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they are (still) associating with the other birds or not.

Leaving 5:20 p.m.

ADDITION: A single Dubusia [[insert,circled]] 8 [[/insert]] [[blue check mark]] joined [[arrow pointing right]] the flock observed this afternoon. After PR's began "mobbing". Before Firebellies joined group. (To my recollection, this is the first time I have seen Dubusia in this paritcular area.) Dubusia silent. Ranging
10 - 12 ft up.

August 21,1965

Arrive same place as yesterday afternoon 5:38 am. Getting light. Cloudy. Cool. Some miscellaneous bird sounds. 

Including Atlapetes Whistle Songs. NODWA.


6:08 am. 9525 ft Region low thick scrub. Lots of bamboo. See mixed flock. Includes 2 [[two check marks]] [[two blue check marks]] PR Atlapetes, 2 [[two check marks]] [[two blue check marks]] [[underlined]] B. nigrocristatus [[/underlined]]. Moving 1 - 6 ft up. 
[[margin, in blue]] II HO [[/margin]]
[[underlined]] B. nigrocristatus [[/underlined]] repeatedly f [[right pointing arrow]] PR's! Birds sometimes Silent. At other times very noisy. Rattles and Flourishes by Warblers. [[underlined]] Species synchronize their vocalizations. [[/underlined]] I.E. one species stimulates the other. In at least one case, it certainly is the PR's who stimulate the [[underlined]] nigrocristatus [[/underlined]]. A single Humer [[check mark]] [[blue check mark]] [[insert,circled,in blue]] 1 [[/insert]] j [[right pointing arrow]] group. With R.

Then I lose sight of the group 6:19 am.

Some hummingbirds are disputing among themselves 6:20.

[[margin, in red]] Humer? [[/margin]]
Catch glimpses several more Black Diglossas [[three check marks]] [[three blue check marks]] [[insert,circled,in blue]] 4 [[/insert]] low in scrub, various areas. All alone. Probably all Humers.

Rain getting worse 6:29 am.