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[[circled]] 49 [[/circled page number]]

[[underlined]] In the absence of "break down" of natural song inhibition characteristic of most species of the Eastern Cordillera as a whole [[/underlined]] !!!

There really is a great volume of all sorts of bird noises by 5:55.  Then things begin to quiet down 5:59.

Albi-type R's and Slate-throat-like songs certainly overlapping at least occasionally.  Also White spectacled and slate-throat-like songs.

6:02. See "White-spectacled" singing 20 ft up in tangle second growth vines. [[underlined]] This bird seems to have whole cheek white [[/underlined]]! (I think that some of the "White-spectacled" seen the other day were similar.  Perhaps this feature is characteristic of the whole population.) 

Various Dubusia and Firebelly sounds overlapping everything.
6:09.  See single ^[[male symbol]] Albi feeding clusters small white flowers 10 - 15 ft up in second growth tangle.  Utters R's from time to time.  [[underlined]] Definitely [[/underlined]] the "Albi-type" R's heard earlier.  And these R's overlap Slate-throated type songs.

Catch glimpse 3 Whitestarts chasing one another.  Alone.  From sounds, they are Slate-throats.  

6:30.  [[/underlined]] Lots [[/underlined]] of birds audible various places in scrub.  But, as usual, impossible to see adequately.

Lots of White-spectacled songs now.  NODWA.

6:40 am.  See "semi" or "pseudo" mixed flocks.  "Nucleus" is group of 3 individuals which appear to be [[underlined]] Basileuterus luteoviridis [[/underlined]].  Yellow superciliaries and olive crown stripes.  Very noisy (see below).  These birds ranging 3-12 ft up in second growth scrub.  At one time, they are only a few feet from 1 or 2 [[underlined]] nigrocristatus [[/underlined]].  Also noisy.  At other times, there are a single Whitebeard and a single White-spectacled