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[[circled]] 51 [[/circled]]

I wonder why there seem to be few or no [[underlined]] Tangaras [[/underlined]] around here? 

See a single sooty thrush.  Silent and alone.

8:15 am.  7825 ft.  Region of very mixed scrub.  Lots of bamboo and lots of everything else.  Fairly low on the average.  On very steep slope.  Come across [[underlined]] definite [[/underlined]] mixed flock.  The central "nucleus" of the group (altho almost certainly not the leaders - not in front) is composed of 2 or 4 "[[underlined]] Basileuterus luteoviridis [[/underlined]]"-types.  Possibly the same as the "[[underlined]] B. luteoviridis [[/underlined]]" seen down hill earlier.  But I got a particularly good look at the birds here this time.  And I am almost certain that they are [[underlined]] Hemispingus, [[double-underlined]] not [[/double-underlined]] Basileuterus. Hemispingus [[/underlined]] shape and bill.  Also with flock is at least 1 [[underlined]] H. atropileus [[/underlined]] and 1 [[underlined]] H. [[?]] [[underlined]].  A real [[underlined]] Hemispingus [[/underlined]] flock!

All the birds ranging 1 - 6ft up in scrub.  Usually low.  Quiet coherent.  [[underlined]] Also quiet, [[/underlined]] uttering only "CN"s - until they see me - when the "[[underlined]] luteovirdis [[/underlined]] " types begin to "mob".

When flock appears, I also hear Firebelly(ies) nearby. Can't tell if it (or they) really associated with flock or not.

The [[underlined]] atropileus [[/underlined]] and/or Firebelly (ies) [[underlined]] probably [[/underlined]] in lead.

A single White-throated Hummingbird (identification definite) "visit" flock.  Feeds on tubular red flowers.  [[underlined]] Same [[/underlined]] species favored by Albis!  But (this time) hummingbird sticks bill up center of flower.  Definitely does [[underlined]] not [[underlined]] use Diglossa holes!

Hummingbird disappears almost immediately.  A second later, ^[[female  symbol]] Albi shows up! also feeds tubular red flowers - in usual Diglossa style.  This ^[[female symbol]] Albi "escorts" flock for some minutes at least.  Silent throughout.

While flock is around, I also can hear White-spectacled White