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[[circled]] 53 [[/circled]]
Leaving 10:20 am.
COMMENT: This morning's observations would seem to confirm my impression that Allogregarious behavior is very stable in this area. (And again, I heard lots of birds - mostly uttering "CN"s - which I was not able to see.)

August 24, 1965
Paramo de Guasca

Going to work usual place here. Arrive 5:27 am. Still dark. Semi-fog and/or light drizzle. No wind. Relatively warm. 

Thrushes already Singing when we arrive. A lot of them and quite loud. Everything else silent. A few other bird sounds (miscellaneous) begin 5:35. Then everything rather quiet 5:40. 

Incidentally, the altitude, where the car is parked, is 9800 ft according to my altimeter now. 

Then more bird noises. Now working where Laf, Coer, and PL Atlapetes were heard overlapping a couple of days ago. Atlapetes utters Whistle Songs 5:45. NODWA. Then shuts up. 

[[margin, in red]] Coer [[/margin]]

Laf starts to Sing 5:47. NODWA. Shuts up. Then presumed Coer starts to Sing NODWA. Shuts up. Then Laf and presumed Coer alternate more snatches of Song. 
[[margin, in red]] Laf [[margin]]
[[underlined]] No overlaps and NODWA!!! [[/underlined]]

Everything rather quiet 5:54 am.

[[margin, in red]] Laf [[/margin]]

Then more Laf Song. NODWA. Laf shuts up. 

6:00 am. A few more Atlapetes Whistle Songs. NODWA.

Fog getting thicker and rain less now. 

[[margin, in red]] Gen [[/margin]]

In general, there is less "dawn chorus" today than the day before y