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[[circled]] 58 [[/circled]]

8:15 a.m. See single maroon-crested montane cotinga. Silent and alone, 10 ft up unburnt scrub.

[[margin,red]] Laf 38 [[/margin]]

NOTE: I have seen at least 4 or 5 [[4 red checkmarks above "least 4 or 5"]] Lafs, and 4 or 5 [[4 red checkmarks above "4 or 5"]]Humers, all
[[margin,red]] Humer [[/margin]] alone, which I have not bothered to record in my field notes.

COMMENT: Today's observations certainly have confirmed one point!!!
[[margin,red]] Gen [[/margin]] Light fog and/or drizzle, without wind, certainly [[underline]] discourage [[/underline]] the formation of mixed flocks by birds of the Eastern Cordillera!!!


Leaving 8:55 a.m.

NOTE: the behavior of the Whitestart, [[underline]]Myioborus ornatus[[/underline]]  (both Yellow faced and Whitespectacled), in all three cordilleras of Colombia and the Sierra de Merida, seems to be a particularly good example of the "geographical" trends which seem to be characteristic of this group of regions. The difference between the birds of the Western and Central Cordilleras,on the one hand, and those of the Eastern Cordillera and the Sierra de Merida, on the other, is [[underline]] extreme. [[/underline]] 

Going to work on Guadalupe this afternoon. At the [[underline]] lower [[/underline]] place where I worked before on previous trips. (The car is parked at 9200 ft according to my altimeter now). Arrive 3:18 p.m. Partly cloudy. Partly sunny. Some wind.

[[margin,red]] Scan [[/margin]]Hear something that sounds like Scan "Chuk" Song in scrub near road 3:22.

Then see group 3 PR [[3 checkmarks over previous]] Atlapetes. [[3 blue checkmarks, plus number 50, circled over previous word]] Silent and alone, 1 – 3 ft up, low but thick scrub edge rock slide.

[[margin,red]] Black [[/margin]] 3:30. Catch glimpses various Black [[3 checkmarks over previous]] Diglossas, [[3 blue checkmarks over previous, plus number 53, circled]] all alone, in scrub. Without being able to identify them.

[[margin,red]] Gen [[/margin]] There seem to be quite a lot of humming birds around, includin