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[[circled]] 61 [[/circled]]

Then see a single [[underlined]] Eriocnemis [[/underlined]] or [[underlined]] Haplophaedia [[/underlind]] type alone. Silent. With blue rump and/or tail. 

[[margin, in red]] Black [[/margin]]

Then catch glimpses of a couple  [[two check marks]] [[two blue check marks]] [[insert,circled,in blue]] 72 [[/insert]] of Black Diglonas alone. [[underlined]] The Diglona population here now is as thick as anywhere I have ever been!!! [[/underlined]] (Apart from our real "flocks" in such places as the Prime Eucalypts.)

3:39. See single Firebelly [[two check marks]] [[two blue check marks]] [[insert,circled,in blue]] 74 [[/insert]] not far from road. 3 ft up scrub. Apparently alone. Apparently juv. (very pale underneath) 
Then see that there are 2 Firebellies here. One certainly adult. Also hear [[underlined]] B. nigrocristatus [[/underlined]] nearby. Both Firebellies very quiet. Firebellies fly off. Apparently nothing follows. 

It is beginning to look as if this [[underlined]] may [[/underlined]] be the [[underlined]] end [[/underlined]] of the breeding season for all sorts of things! Young out of the nest. ([[underlined]] How does this jibe with my observations in September and October 1962[[/underlined]]?????)
[[margin, in red]] Laf [[/margin]]

[[underlined]] More [[/underlined]] Black Diglonas [[three check marks]] [[three blue check marks]] [[insert,circled,in blue]] 77 [[/insert]] alone 3:50 pm. At least one of these certainly is Laf. 

9300 ft. 4:03 pm. Another couple [[two check marks]] [[two blue check marks]] [[insert,circled,in blue]] 79 [[/insert]] of Firebellies fly by. Alone. 

4:20 pm. A few yards further up hill. See single Firebelly [[check mark]] [[blue check mark]] [[insert,in blue]] 80 [[/insert]] Quiet and alone. 
[[margin, in red]] Humer [[/margin]]
[[margin, in blue]] VIII N HO [[/margin]]
4 ft up second growth. Single Humer j [[right pointing arrow]] Firebelly Obviously escorting. Feeds flesh-colored tubular flowers. Silent. Firebelly flies off. Humer [[check mark]] [[blue check mark]] [[insert,circled,in blue]] 81 [[/insert]] does [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] follow. 

[[margin, in red]] Cy Humer [[/margin]]

Then Cy [[check mark]] [[blue check mark]] [[insert,circled,in blue]] 82 [[/insert]] flies away, 15 ft from Hume. The two birds apparently do not react to one another. 

Starting down hill 4:27 pm.

4:31. See single adult Blue and Black [[check mark]] [[blue check mark]]. Silent. 2 ft up in scrub. [[margin, in blue]] IX N HO [[/margin]] Only a few feet from it is single gray bird [[check mark]] [[blue check mark]]. Might be juv. Blue & Black. But looks very [[underlined] appreciably [[/underlined]] larger than adult. I also hear some sounds of at least 1 other species nearby (PR???). I think that this should be classified as a mixed flock. But certainly a [[underlined]] small [[/underlined]] one!