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[[circled]] 63 [[/circled]]

Albi's silent 6:01.  Most everything else continuing.

See pair White-spectacled. Flitting about in tall tangles. 20 - 25ft up.  Sometimes only a few feet from where I can hear [[underlined]] luteoviridis [[/underlined]] -type sounds.  But then White-spectacled fly on.  And [[underlined]] luteoviridis [[/underlined]] -types apparently do no follow. CORRECTION? [[underlined]] luteoviridis [[/underlined]] - types do start to drift over in same direction as White-spectacled.  But the two species apparently not very close together.  Another diffuse flock?

6:10.  See single ^[[male symbol]] Albi alone.  3 ft up in scrub.  Utters R.  Flies off.  R [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] overlapped by anything else.

Then hear more Albi R's in neighborhood.  Sometimes alternating with White spectacled songs.  Sometimes overlapping.

Everything getting quiet 6:18 am.  There are occasional drops of rain.

See single White-throat feeding clusters tubular yellow flowers.  There certainly are some other birds ([[underlined]] nigrocristatus [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] torquatus [[/underlined]]? in scrub not far away.  But I don't know if this is flock or not.

Then see pair [[underlined]] B. nigrocristatus [[/underlined]].  Ranging 2 - 6ft up thick second growth scrub.  Quiet.  Apparently alone.

Rain getting heavier!

During rain, single ^[[female symbol]] Albi appears in scrub about 15 ft from the [[underlined]] nigrocristatus [[/underlined]]. Silent.  Moves on, apparently without paying any attention to the warblers (or vice versa).

More [[underlined]] torquatus [[/underlined]] -type Whistles 6:29.  [[underlined]] Overlapping [[/underlined]] some Diglossie twitter in distance.  Coer???

Starting uphill 6:30, as rain is getting lighter.

Just as I go, hear unmistakable Coer in distance.  NODWA part of the time.  [[underlined]] But also completely overlapped by White spectacled Songs [[/underlined]]