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[[circled]] 65 [[/circled]]

[[margin, in red]] WCC [[/margin]]
[[margin, in green]] 99 [[/margin]]

xed flock. Includes at least the following: 3 GT's [[three check marks]] [[three green check marks]] [[insert,circled]] 1 [[/insert]], 1 [[male symbol]] WCC [[underlined]] (white-capped) [[/underlined]] [[check mark]] [[green check mark]] [[insert,circled]] 2 [[/insert]], [[margin, in green]] 105 [[/margin]] 1 [[female symbol]] WCC [[check mark]] [[green check mark]], 2 White-spectacled [[two check marks]] [[two green check marks]] [[insert,circled]] 3 [[/insert]], 1 Ruddy Flycatcher [[check mark]] [[green check mark]] [[insert,circled]] 4 [[/insert]], 1 [[underlined]] H. atropileus [[/underlined]] [[check mark]] [[green check mark]] [[insert,circled]] 5 [[/insert]], and 1 [[green check mark]] [[check mark]] [[margin, in red]] WT [/margin]]
[[margin, in green]] 106 [[/margin]] White-throated [[insert,circled]] 6 [[/insert]] Hummingbird. All these species were [[underlined]] seen [[/underlined]]. 1 [[check mark]] [[green check mark]] Cy [[insert,circled]] 7 [[/insert]] and [[margin, in green]] 108 [[/margin]] 1 [[two check marks]] [[two green check marks]] or more [[insert,circled]] 8 [[/insert]] [[underlined]] ;uteovirides [[/underlined]] types also were [[underlined]] heard [[/underlined]]. [[margin, in red]] Cy [[/margin]]

This is region of scattered tall, mature, VSF trees and miscellaneous [[margin, in red]] WCC [[/margin]]scrub. GT's ranged from 30 ft up in trees to 10 ft up in scrub. WCCs seen only 20 - 30 ft up in trees. White spectacled have approximately same range as GT's. Ruddy Flycatcher 6 - 10 ft up. [[underlined]] H. atropileus [[/underlined]] seen only [[margin, in red]] WT [[/margin]]
20 ft up in trees. White-throat flying about, 4 - 20 ft up. Cy certainly in trees. [[underlined]] luteovirides
[[/underlined]]-types certainly low in scrub. 

Group as a whole quite diffuse, [[underlined]] most [[/underlined]] if the time. But GT's j [[right pointing arrow]] WCC's. 
[[margin, in red]] WCC [[/margin]] White-spectacled j [[right pointing arrow]] group of WCC's and GT's [[margin, in red]] WCC [[/margin]]

The WCC's and Cy certainly were [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] associating particularly closely with one another. 
[[margin, in red]] Cy [[/margin]]

GT's certainly eating fruit. WCC's picking insects off leaves. Ruddy and White-spectacled Flycatching. 

Group as a whole quiet [[underlined]] most [[/underlined]] of the time. But all or almost all species vocalized occasionally
[[margin, in red]] Cy [[/margin]] Both Cy and White-spectacled Sang. Not overlapping

Group moving steadily, but very slowly, in one direction. 

[[margin, in green]] 107 [[/margin]]

As group passes thru one area, I hear [[underlined]] B. nigrocristatus [[/underlined]] [[green check mark]]
[[insert, circled, in green]] 9 [[/insert]] sounds low in scrub. But I am not sure that these [[underlined]] nigrocristatus [[/underlined]] were really associating with group. Possibly only manifesting their hostility. 

Group disappears down hill 8:10 am. 

[[margin, in green]] 114 [[/margin]]

8:35 am. 8075 ft. Region where highest mixed flock seen a couple of days ago. [[margin, in purple]] XV HO [[/margin]] See another mixed flock. Includes at least 5 [[five check marks]] [[five green check marks]] or 6 [[margin, in green]] 117 [[/margin]] All-rufous Synallaxis and 3 [[three check marks]] [[three green check marks]] or 4 [[underlined]] B. nigrocristatus [[/underlined]] (this may be near bounda