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[[circled]] 66 [[/circled]]

ry two pairs of these warblers). All birds ranging 1' - 10' up in scrub, especially bamboo. Quiet (until they see me). Sticking close together. Not making very definite progress. Difficult to tell who is lead. All birds apparently taking insects from leaves and twigs

Rain starting again 8:45 am. 

Starting down hill 8:50

9:05 17890 ft. See pair [[2 check marks]] [[2 red check marks]] of Little Striped Flycatchers 4 ft up in bamboo scrub. Noisy, but apparently alone.
[[margin, in red]] 42 [[/margin]]
[[margin, in red]] Albi? [[/margin]]

9:15 7780 ft. Hear more Albi R's. NODWA.

[[margin, in purple]] XVI HO [[/margin]]

9:25 7550 ft. Near road. Region of thick, fairly high, but young-looking second growth. See definite mixed flock. Very coherent, but quiet. 
[[margin, in green]] 20 [[/margin]]
[[margin, in red]] Sitti [[/margin]]
Includes at least 1 [[check mark]] [[green check mark]] [[insert,circled]] 1 [[/insert]] [[underlined]] Basileuterus [[/underlined]]-type, 1 [[check mark]] [[green check mark]]
[[insert,circled]] 2 [[/insert]] White-spectacle, 1 [[check mark]] [[green check mark]] [[insert,circled]] 3 [[/insert]] [[underlined]] Sitti (surely this is the lowest I have ever seen Sitt? [[/underlined]]), 1 [[check mark]] [[green check mark]] [[insert,circled]] 4 [[/insert]] Black & White Manakin (probably [[underlined]] same [[/underlined]] species as in Sierra de Merida). All birds 6 - 12 ft up. [[margin, in green]] 121 [[/margin]] [[underlined]] Basileuterus [[/underlined]] -type apprarently in lead.

Leaving 9:37 am

GENERAL COMMENT: It is quite possible that I have seen [[underlined]] more [[/underlined]] flocks (per hour of observation) here than in the Central and Western Cordilleras. But the flocks here certainly are much [[underlined]] smaller [[/underlined]], on the average, and less highly (or tightly) integrated. 

The social behavior of the birds here seems to be perfectly 
[[margin, in red]] Gen [[/margin]] intermediate between that of the birds in the Central and Western Cordilleras and that of the birds in the Quito region. 

NOTE: The "luteovirides"-types seen in Eastern Andes [[underlined]] also [[/underlined]] could be [[underlined]] B. signatus!!! Bogota collection includes specimen from Paramo de Guascor! [[/underlined]] (While de Schaueusee describes it as "subtropical"