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[[circled]] 64 [[/circled]]

Eastern Cordillera Colombia

September 7, 1965 - S. of Bogota

Started out this morning to look for the Lagunas de Chisacal.
Take road to Usine and El Hato. Go way past the lakes and arrive 
at area called Santa Rosa. Upper border AS, where it touches Paramo
Unfortunately, there are a lot of farms around here, and the scrub looks rather poor and cut up. Time of arrival 5:40 am. Completely light. Cold. But sky clear and no wind. Altitude 10,400 ft.

See lots of Sooty Thrushes alone along road on way here.

Quite a [[underlined]] lot [[/underlined]] of bird Song 5:45 am. Lots of species must be breeding here now. 

Incidentally, this are faces almost due East

Lots of Atlapetes Whistle Songs 5:45-6:00 am. Coming from low AS. 
Presumably PL's; but phrases are a little more elaborate (including
1 or 2 more notes) than those of the birds at Guasca. NODWAH. Then Atlapetes shuts up. 

6:08 am. See pair PR Atlapetes 1 - 2 ft up in second growth edge pasture. [[underlined]] Very [[/underlined]] noisy. Lots of "Greeting chatters and twitters." But definitely alone. 

[[margin, in red]] Humer? [[/margin]]

Then see single Black Diglona (Humer?) perched 10 ft up in AS 100 yds away. Silent and alone. Flies away immediately.

Then see another single Sooty Thrush alone. Silent in AS. 

6:22 am. See single Whitebeard. Silent & alone in isolated patch AS in pasture 1 - 6 ft up.

There are some cup shaped dark red flowers here. Presumably usual species.
[[margin, in red]] Gen [[/margin]]
See single Haplophaedia or Ereocuesnes feeding on them. Possibly species no. VIII. Silent and alone. Flies off immediately. 

Back to area where first Atlapetes heard Singing 6:28. Bird is Singing again. NODWAH