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[[preprinted]] GOUCHER COLLEGE 
Baltimore, Maryland [[/preprinted]]

May 21, 1924

Mr. Waldo L. Schmitt,
U.S. National Museum,
Washington, D.C.

My dear Mr. Schmitt:

I have sent your letter with some samples of wire and specifications for traps to Mills, who will attend to the rest.

Regarding equipment you are bringing, I think it will only be necessary for you to address it to yourself at Tortugas, Florida, [[underlined]] via [[/underlined]] Key West.

It will not be necessary for you to provide plates for the submarine camera.  I always have an abundance, and shall be glad to have you try out the instrument, if you care to.

I suppose you will be timing your arrival for Monday, July 14.  Train gets in the morning, I think.  The [[underlined]] Dohrn [[/underlined]] will be awaiting you.  She usually lies at Curry's dock, so,unless notified to the contrary, the best thing you can do will be to take a cab at the railway station and have the cabman take you and your hand baggage there direct.  Mills will then see about getting your other baggage and express.

An order for an abundance of pyro, hypo, sulphite, and carbonate of soda has been sent in, so it will be unnecessary for you to burden yourself with them.  But any other developer you wish to use you should bring with you.

Cordially yours,

^[[W.H. Longley]]