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[[preprinted]] January, TUESDAY, 31. 1860. [[/preprinted]]
[[preprinted]] February, WEDNESDAY, 1. [[/preprinted]]
[[text written sideways across two days seems to refer to pages that gave been removed from the book?]] [[line around text to the page edge]]
N.Y. June 4/64  Hall
The three leaves here cut out to be found in small Journal Book of 1860 - these leaves contain diary of [[four?]] days spent in Phila Pa [[/line around text to the page edge]]
X [[strikeout]]in Phila etc [[/strikeout]]
[[/text written sideways]]
[[preprinted]] THURSDAY, 2. [[/preprinted]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


8th [[Wednesday?]] Sen Chase & Gov Dennison 
Columbus - started from [[Ohio last eve 11?]]

[[preprinted]] February, THURSDAY, 9. 1860. [[/preprinted]]

Started last eve 3 O'Clk (PM) from Columbus.
   Arrived Phila 5 O'Clk P.M. - Spent the Eve at the House where Dr Hays resides - He being out.  Was entertained by the Mistress of the House, [[strikethrough]] by the [[/strikethrough]] she relating incidents in the life of Dr K. who wrote his last works in her house.

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY, 10. [[/preprinted]]

Called on Dr. Hays. Spent the Morning discussing Arctic Expeditions.
Finally the Dr. termed the proposed Expedition for Search of the  "105 one that wld end in Bauble(?)
Visited Acad. of [[L.?]] Science
Childs & Peterson
Eve Robt. Kane & [[lectures?]] by Dr. Hays.

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY, 11. [[/preprinted]]

\   \   \     \\\ [[these cover print that has bled over from another page or document]]

Spent 2 hours with Frederick J. Dreep, ^[[insert]] R [[/insert]] 1520 Spruce St Phila. Saw Autographic letters of Kane to Philip - Drawing & his Log Book.
Mr D. desired me to obtain letter of Fz. Dayton & offering 5 for it.
Drew  his Washington letters
[[side insertion]] Autographic [[Sections?]] of [[Madison Marshall's [[lake?]] Washington &c [[/insert]]