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[[preprinted]] February, [[strikethrough]] SATURDAY, 18. [[/strikethrough]] 1860. [[/preprinted]]

but the deck & masts resting on the ice - & yet said Capt. Christopher the ship "Rescue" would have escaped ^[[damage in]] all this war of [[underlined]] "hard" [[/underlined]] water", for she would have been lifted bodily above from her peculiar build.
I asked the Capt. if the natives around the Cumberland Sound were ^[[not]] an [[underlined]] untrifty, dirty [[/underlined]] looking 
[strikethrough]] [[preprinted]] SUNDAY 19. [[preprinted]] [[/strikethrough]] 
set?  "Yes", said he "since the white man has become acquainted with them."  He explained by saying that Capt. Penny told him when he (Capt P.) 1st saw the natives they were uniformly & prettily dressed in Rein-deer skins but since the Whalers have visited the shore the natives [[strikethrough]] are [[/strikethrough]] have become [[possessed?]] of shirts & other articles of English clothing which they wear all of tattered, beyond 
[[strikethrough]] [[preprinted]] MONDAY, 20. [[/preprinted]] [[/strikethrough]]
all description of the pen

Was introduced to Capt. Quail the Commander of the "Rescue" in her last 3 voyages.

He offers to be the man for the above Arctic Ex.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] February, TUESDAY, 21. 1860. [[/preprinted]]

1st/  See if Williams & Harris will not furnish the vessel for $2,000
Change her rigging to the Hermaphrodite for ----                  500
[[Take?]] her up & Clean her putting on new irons &c --           500
Then contributed 1000                                           1,000
Making the total amount to be paid them -----------------------------                        
   total------------------------------------- $2,000

[[strikethrough]] [[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY, 22. [[/preprinted]] [[/strikethrough]]
[[line across page]]

2d  Get them to put down in black what they will do.

3d  See if they will not loan proper out-fit for taking whalers
[[strikethrough]] [[preprinted]] THURSDAY, 22. [[/preprinted]] [[/strikethrough]]

4th As a last resort see what they will do [[strikethrough]] toward [[/strikethrough]] toward sending the vessel up into Prince Regent's Inlet equipped for whaling.

5th See on what terms I Can go with Capt. Buddington up to Cumberland Inlet.