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[[preprinted]] July, TUESDAY, 17. 1860. [[/preprinted]]

What do you now propose to do?

This case may be an exception to the Rule
1st Count the lost 
or rather

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY, 18. [[/preprinted]]
[[preprinted]] THURSDAY, 19. [[/preprinted]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[pages torn out]]
[[preprinted]] August, WEDNESDAY, 1. 1860. [[/preprinted]]

[[strikethrough]] This Nova Zembla [[/strikethrough]]

In Nova Zembla the 76° N Lat Dutch wintered in 1596

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY, 27. [[/preprinted]]
Your expenses will be paid  come to French's Hotel start today if you can
C.F. Hall
Feb 28/60 [[/strikethrough]]

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY, 28. [[/preprinted]]

Igloolik to [[Neitchille?]]  240 Miles
[[dittos for Igloolik to]] Point Victory 340 [[ditto for Miles]]
Northumberland Inlet to Igloolik (Miles) 350

[[strikethrough]] [[Therefore]] [[?700]] Miles N[[?]]
K.N.L. [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]