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[[preprinted]] December, WEDNESDAY, 26. 1860. [[/preprinted]]
Northumberland Inlet
Western Arm  3° x 24                72
Portage      1°                     24 
Lake         2° x 24                48 
River        3 x 24                 72 
Fox Channel
66 1/2 to Igloolik 69°20'           170
Igloolik O   
[[preprinted]] THURSDAY. [[/preprinted]]
Cape Grylefield                     86
No [[?]] Sterns
Thence to [[?Shometsay]]           144
Thence to East Coast KW4            82
[[preprinted]] FRIDAY, 28. [[/preprinted]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] December, SATURDAY, 29. 1860. [[/preprinted]]
5 pr & Long Drawrs
2 pr Short Drawrs pantys
3 skirts
1 Dress = [[?Wraps]]
2 waists
[[strikethrough]] 1 single Drawers [[/strikethrough]]
1 Under Vest

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY, 30. [[/preprinted]]
[[preprinted]] MONDAY, 31. [[/preprinted]]