Viewing page 44 of 57

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[[preprinted]] MEMORANDA. [[/preprinted]]
1 President of M.S.
2 Vice "      " "    "
3 S. P. [[Phase?]]
4 Gov. Dennison
5 Mayor Bishop
6 M. Greenwood
7 R Clark & Co.
8 Judge M Lenn
9 Y.M.M.L. Assn
10 O.M. Institute
11 Henry Grinnell N.Y.
12 Cooper of Cooper Inst N.Y.
13 Cyprus W Field
14 Prof O.M. Mitchel
15 N.Y. Trib.
16 Geo Pugh
17 Eggleston
18 Geo. Pendleton
19 H. Seward
20 Douglass
21 Childs & Peterson
22 Kane Family
23 Colburn
24 Longworth
25 Greeley, Rep. U.S.H.R.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] MEMORANDA. [[/preprinted]]
1   President of U.S.
2   Vice [[dittos for President of U.S.]]
3   J.L. McLean judge Supreme Court H.S.
4   S P Chase
5   Governor Dennison
6   Mayor Bishop
7   M. Greenwood
8   R. Clarke & Co.
9   Young Men's M.L. Assn  Cin O
10  Ohio M. Institute  Cin O
11  Henry Grinnell N.Y.
12  Mr Cooper, J Cooper Institute
13  Cyrus W. Field
14  Prof O.M. Mitchell
15  Horace Greeley
16  Geo. Pugh
17  Eggleston  Pres. City Council
18  Geo. Pendleton
19  H. Seward N.Y.
20  S.A. Douglas Ill
21  Childs & Peterson Phila
22  Kane Family Phila
23  Colburn O.
24  Longworth  Cin O.
25  Grosley  Cin. O.
26  Dr. Daniels  Cin O
27  Henry A Wise  Va
28  Geo. Banks, Mass.
29  Bolton Md.
30  St. Louis

Albany N.Y.