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 [[pre-printed]] CASH ACCOUNT-March

Date         re'd       Paid [[/pre-printed]]

[crossed out] Spoke of an island
For the 1st time also, they (Ooobloosin & [[?Aranche]]) informed us we should see a great number of Esquimaux.
[/crossed out]

For the 1st time (Apr 6 1830) they now spoke of an Island, which they called & where, in the summer, as they informed us we should see great numbers of Esquimaux.  XX They described the place termed as very distant, saying also that it required many days journey across the salt water to reach  it. [[encircled]] 201 [[/encircled]]

After being a long time at [[strikethrough]] King W. [[/strikethrough]] Boothia Bay was visited by a party of 5 friends Esq strangers but 1 [[encircled]] 272 [[/encircled]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[pre-printed]] CASH ACCOUNT-April[[/pre-printed]]

Apr 1st 1830

The natives Came to us from all Quarters
[[encircled]] 196 [[/encircled]]

Apr 4 - Sunday did not prevent the natives coming from all quarters. XX  Among them, [[?Aranche]] Oobloosin the 2  promised guides came with sledges, dogs and provisions; & all the  former information was confirmed
[[encircled]] 197 [[/encircled]]

Prof S & Blanky not equal to the natives [[?Aranche]] & Oobloosin
[[encircled]] 199 [[/encircled]]

Transcription Notes:
Ipirvik & Taqulittuq were the Inuit couple who served as guides and interpreters on the 1860 Hall expedition. These names, however. look nothing like the two names I found. Were they nicknames? ARW? and Ooblu?