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[[left vertical notation]] Month of Feb. 1830 [[/left vertical notation]]
A summary of the success of the natives in the hunting during this month gives
2 White [[?Blass]]
3 Gluttons 
12 Foxes
50 Seals
And as we had ourselves killed or taken 5 foxes with some ptarmagians & Willow partridges [[underline]] this is a country not so destitute of game, [[underline]] even at this time of year as some suppose while it is thus proved that they do not migrate to the South in winter
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Mar 10
The natives had Killed 13 (since Feb 1) seals & were amply stored with provisions
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Otookiou brought also a Knife, having & English makers name on the blade; saying that he had obtained it from those of his nation who had [[strikethrough]] been [[strikethrough]] seen the ships formerly at Igloolik
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Who can blame the Esquimaux for lying when John Ross & others took the lead in that evil.
Com. Ross fired guns. Esq asked what "guns said"  He replied calling by name the things among you.
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Reason Esq could not catch more seals because they had stolen
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