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[[start page left]]
[[preprinted]] CASH ACCOUNT - Summary.
Rec'd. | Paid
[[list of months of the year ]] [[/preprinted]]

The infusion of malt sour - kept to-gether with buiscuts made at the Cape with rye-flour
[[encircled]] 364 [[/encircled]]
Henem 4° 6,00 Good
"Stahlenbergh Russia"
[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] January-BILLS PAYABLE.
Date. | Name. | Dolls. | Cts. 
RECEIVABLE. [[/preprinted]]

Center St above the Park

J. Ross 2d Voyage same as the appendix |as in Pub Lib Cin $4.00
Quarto (Good)

History of the Voyages & Discoveries in the North translated from the [[strikethrough]] Journal [[/strikethrough]] German by John Reinhold Forster I.U.D. & elucidated by several new & orig maps
Pub Lon. 1786
price $3
Up to  pages 489
In this work the references of [[?Buffon]] [[?worn]] with men