Viewing page 53 of 57

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[[preprinted]] April - BILLS PAYABLE.
date. | Name. | Dolls. | Cts. [[/preprinted]]
[[bottom of page torn out - from previous page]]
[[preprinted]] RECEIVABLE. [[\preprinted]]

Vic Harbor to East  }
side K.W.L.         }         92
West side K.W.L.              42  
Total Miles to Point Victory 777!

[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] July - BILLS PAYABLE.
date. | Name. | Dolls. | Cts. [[/preprinted]]

Capt. R. Buddington
Groton, Ct.
Capt Jas. Budding
14th Lny
Perkins & Smith
Took too = rein deer 
Aggaruck whale 
Walrus eiueh [[?best guess]]
[[preprinted]] RECEIVABLE. [[\preprinted]]
Large & small seal
oguke & neitiek

John K. Kane, MD.
1027 Walnut

Rolf. P. Kane
Atty & Counselor
[[strikethrough]] 12335 [[/strikethrough]]
1806 Chestnut

[[end page]]