Viewing page 55 of 57

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[[New Page]]

October-BILLS PAYABLE [[preprinted]]
Date.     Name.     Dolls. Cts. [[preprinted]]
Solomon's Song
1V-16 Awake, O north wind;
& come thou south; blow
upon my garden that
the spices thereof may
flow out.
[[Line for separation drawn]]
Render therefore to
all their dues; tribute
to whom tribute is 
due custom to whom
custom ; & C

[[Preprinted - RECEIVABLE.]]

[[Freehand drawn image]]

[[End page]]

[[Start Page]]

[[Preprinted - November-BILLS PAYABLE.]]
[[Preprinted - Date. Name. Dolls. Cts.]]

Price of ship       $2,000
 to put her in
 complete repairs [[Punctuation written beside previous 2 lines}=]] 500
                    [[strike through - 1,000]]

1 Commander ..      $1,000.
1 1st Mate          $  600.
1 2    "            $  300
1) Cook                200.
5 Crew  15/75)         900      3,000
1st                             3,000
" Team
2 "
______   1/2 Team               1,500
9 men                          _______

[[Preprinted - RECEIVABLE.]]

Naturalist         $600.
[[Hickedy?]]       $600.


[[End Page]]