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     This is to Memorialize All lovers of Man, and of Geography, History and Science, to co-operate, by all methods and means in their power, to facilitate and assist out fellow countryman, Charles Francis Hall, of Cincinnati, Ohio, in the formation of, and fitting out an American Expedition, in search of Survivors of Sir John Franklin's Exploring Party, (consisting of 138 persons; only 27 of whom are known to be dead.) Secondly, for satisfactorily settling and completing the history of the last Franklin Expedition; and Thirdly, to promote and benefit the cause of Geography, Navigation, Natural History and Science.
   Such an Expedition, with proper vessel or vessels, with competent and experienced Commander, Officers and Crew, with a complete outfit and provision for from two to three years cruise; to embark from an Eastern port of the United States of America, on or about the first day of June, A. D. 1860; and proceed via Davis' Straits, Baffin's Bay, Lancaster Sound, Barrow's Strait; ^ [[Prince Regent's Inlet to Billot Strait,]] thence from the North coast of Boothia to commence the search--extending it to King William's Land, and the adjacent regions, until a thorough and satisfactory investigation shall have been made of all that portion of the Arctic world, and the humanitarian object attained of discovering some survivor of the lost companions of Sir John Franklin or ascertaining the ultimate fate of the members of that Expedition, who up to this day remain unaccounted for, being no less than one hundred and eleven souls, whose history, the loud voice of mankind, from all generous natures, demands shall not remain forever shrouded in oblivion while energetic intelligence and American enterprize can hope to rescue a single survivor, or furnish the solution of their ultimate history.

R. M. Bishop       Mayor of Cincinnati
M. Greenwood       Citizen " "  [[dittos for of Cincinnati]]
Tho.s. H. Barlow   Inventor of the "Planetarium"
B. B. Taylor.      Citizen Lexington, KY.
AGW Carter         Judge Court Common Pleas Cin. O.
Remus Payne  (Esq) Member Ky. Legislature
Wm W Fosdick       The Western Poet

Transcription Notes:
Not entirely sure how to indicate the first four words are in a fancier script. Also, the signatures at the bottom are split into two columns. Unsure how to indicate properly. Third signature has superscript to shorten "Thomas" to "Tho's"