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To Mr
[[underlined]] A Precious Document within [[/underlined]]
History will bring to some actors in this scene [[underlined]] shame [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] deep repentance! [[/underlined]]
The hardened heart of the 1st named below will be the exception --------
How can shame & repentance be brought to a heart of stone? 

[[right bracket points to: Cin. O.]]
Wm C. Pomroy
[[J.Y.?]] Allen     
[[/right bracket]]

[[right bracket points to: N.Y.]]
Wells                   |
B. Franklin Sawyer Atty.  
[[/right bracket]]

[[right margin vertical underlined]] C F Hall [[/right margin vertical underlined]]

"My persecutors shall stumble & they shall not prevail; they shall be greatly ashamed; for they shall not prosper:  X X X X X .

"Sing unto the Lord, [[strikethrough]] of hosts [[/strikethrough]] praise ye the Lord for he hath delivered the Soul of the [[underline]] poor [[/underline]] from the hand of Evil-doers."
Jer. XX-13th V.