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[[pre-printed legal form completed with handwritten entries]]
H. Anstice & Co., Stationers, 25 Nassau-Street, N.Y.
^[[Court of Common Pleas]]
^[[City &]] County of ^[[New York -]]

[[bracketed box containing the following words and pointing to: Complaint on promissory note against all the parties.]]
^[[Wm C. Pomroy]]


^[[Chs. F. Hall]]
[[/bracketed box]]

The Complaint of the above named plaintiff respectfully show to this Court, that the defendant 
on the ^[[sixteenth]] day of ^[[December]] one thousand eight hundred and ^[[fifty nine]] at ^[[Cincinnati]]
made ^[[his]] certain promissory note in writing, bearing date on the ^[[16]] day of ^[[December]] one thousand eight hundred and ^[[fifty nine -]] whereby he promised to pay to ^[[the order of said Plff._]]
                              the sum
of ^[[Four hundred thirty Eight dollars & seventy cents -]]
[[strikethrough]] and the said payee thereof endorsed the said note to [[/strikethrough]] ^[[in three months]]
^[[After date]]

[[strikethrough]] the plaintiff; [[/strikethrough]] and he believe^[[s]] that when the said note became due and payable it was duly presented for payment to the said ^[[defendant]]

and payment thereof was duly demanded, but the same was not paid; and that due notice thereof was given to the defendant

And the plaintiff further say^[[s]] that he ^[[is]] now the lawful owner and holder of the said note, and that the defendant[[strikethrough]]s are, and each of them [[/strikethrough]] is indebted to ^[[him]] thereupon in the sum of 
^[[Four hundred & thirty Eight dollars & seventy cents]] principal, together with interest ^[[thereon from the nineteenth day of March [[overwritten]] 1859 [[/overwritten]] 1860]]

Wherefore the plaintiff demand judgment against the said maker [[strikethrough]] and endorser of the said note respectively, [[/strikethrough]] for the said principal sum and interest.

[[signature]] B. F. Sawyer [[/signature]]
              Plaintiffs Attorney.
            ^[[No. 16 Wall St N.Y.]]
^[[City &]] County of ^[[New York p.]]
[[signature]] Wm C. Pomroy [[/signature]]
plaintiff in this action, being duly sworn, says, that the foregoing complaint is true of his own knowledge, except as to the matters which are therein stated on his information and belief, and as to those matters that he believes it to be true.

[[the following sentence is enclosed by a bracket pointing to: [[signature]] Wm. C. Pomroy [[/signature]]
Sworn to before me, this ^[[14th]] day
    of ^[[May]] 18^[[60]]
[[signature]] W.W. Fowler [[/signature]]
             ^[[Not Pub]]

Transcription Notes:
"Not Pub" probably means "Notary Public"