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Says Franklin in ascending the McKenzie in 1825 "our crew cheerfully performed this tedious service, tho 3 of them had been much reduced by dysentary, brought on by previous fatigue exposure to wet, & by their having lived for some time on dried provision. These men, however, had gradually been gaining strength since the [[underlined]] fresh meat [[//underlined]] was procured on Elli Island."
Franklin's Voyage [[encircled]] 44 [[/encircled]]

Franklin sailing near the mouth of the Mackenzie saw a crowd of tents with many Esquimaux strolling amongst ^[[them]] — he says "I instantly hastened to the boats to make preparations for opening a communication with them agreeably to my instructions.
Franklin 2d V. [[encircled]] 99 [[/encircled]]

Instructions regard to dealing with the Esq. [[encircled]] 99 [[/encircled]] do.

The Pillage of the Boats [[encircled]] 106 [[/encircled]]
I am of the opinion that mingled as we were with them (the Esquimaux) the 1st blood we had shed would have been instantly revenged by the sacrifice of all our lives do [[encircled]] 107 [[/encircled]]

Franklin unfailing adherence to following Instructions 
[[encircled]] 162 [[/encircled]] [[?Jo]] 2nd vol.

Sir George Simpson
Gov. Hudson's Bay ^[[Co's]] Territory
La Chine [[strikethrough]] Lachine [[/strikethrough]] Montreal 
Canada East

Transcription Notes:
Franklin quotes checked against his published account of his 2nd expedition and should be accurate.