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he is at rest.  The skins of a horse when put to ^[[the]] trot, gives off 170 times as much as when it is at rest
&c. &c. do. [[encircled]] 275-276 [[/encircled]] 
oxygen gas &c.

We actually have to a certain extent upon, & are fed by, the air wh. surrounds us.  [[encircled]] 278 [[/encircled]]

If a fat animal be stinted in its food or be wholly deprived of nourishment for some days its weight will rapidly diminish [[encircled]] 279 [[/encircled]]

Human fat consist of carbon [[strikethrough]] & two of oxygen [[/strikethrough]] hydrogen & oxygen in the proportions represented by
C    H    O
34   36   5
& it is transformed into carbonic acid & water in the following manner see [[encircled]] 280 [[/encircled]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Given fat in its food & the fat of its own body will suffer no dimininution XXX
If instead of fat we give it food containing much starch or sugar ^[[(or gum)]] a similar result will follow [[encircled]] 281 [[/encircled]]

Among the constituents of the food above ^[[alluded]] to as similar to starch in being converted into carbonic acid & water by the oxygen inhaled, are ardent spirits or alcohol  [[encircled]] 282 [[/encircled]]

Internal heat of a healthy man in temperate climate is about 98°F

It is a further provision for the maintenance of human life, that in a case of emergency the gluten