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^[[ [[Or?]] Middle
1st Nov/59]]

^[[In times Nov 8/59]]

[[left margin]] ^[[Scotish American 26th Journal]] [[/left margin]]

[[right margin]] ^[[To power when wind with will all things are possible [[/right margin]]

[[newspaper clippings pasted to page]]
[[Image – hand pointing right]] Lady Franklin has resolved to sell the steam yacht Fox, which so successfully conveyed Capt. McClintock and his brother heroes to the fulfillment of their mission. The sale is to take place at Lloyd's early in November, and will no doubt create much interest.

[[Image – hand pointing right]] Dr. Hayes, who accompanied the lamented Kane to the Arctic region in 1853, proposes to undertake another expedition in the same direction, through Baffin's Bay and Smith's Sound, for the purpose of navigating, if possible, the open Polar Sea which Dr. Kane discovered lying north of the highest latitude reached by him in 1855.
^[[Enquirer Nov 10/59]]

A NEW ARCTIC EXPEDITION DENOUNCED. – The London Times in the last issue received says: ^[[Press [[11?]] Nov. 10/59]] 
Here, for the last ten or twelve years, we have been sending expedition after expedition to the icy regions of the North Pole in search of poor Sir John Franklin and his missing ships. The subject has been so long before us that one almost thinks of it now as a matter of history. It is like the retreat from Moscow, or any other calamity inflicted on the human race by the Genius of the North. So much has been done, so much has been ascertained, so little of any value remains to be done, that a man must be a fanatic indeed on the subject of ice who would propose any further explorations into the frozen regions which lie to the northward of the American Continent for the solution of a foregone conclusion.

[[/newspaper clippings]]

^[[Not the nearness of the "North Pole" but the ice in the [[Gartanian ?]] sea (sea of Kara) causeth the greatest cold [[circled]] 4 [[/circled]] The Voyages by the N.E. Hakluyt Society Public Library [[cinl?]]

"It was not the sea, nor the nearness unto the Pole, but the ice about the land, that let & hindered us for as soon as we made from the land & put more into the sea altho it was much further northwest, presently we felt more warmth" [[circled]] 6 [/circled]] do & [[circled]] CXXi [[/circled]] do. ]]