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see the incident in Note of 
[[preserving?]] meat ^[[in Spitz]] fresh from April to Aug.[[circled]] 343 [[/circled]]

In 1594 Cornelis Cornelison vessel straits of Weigatz, & proceeded 40 Leagues to southeast when finding sea clear [[?hastened]] Home (to Holand) to communicate the discovery [[circle]]79[[/circle]] Vol. [[?]]
This sea afterwords found frozen
Barents expedition that wintered at Nova Zembla in 1594-5 in 2 open boats [[?]] 1100 miles 
[[circle]] 81 [[/circle]]

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[[start page]]

But though the access by sea be effectually intercepted, I yet imagine notwithstanding the objections wh have been [[?waged, urgent?]] against the scheme that it would by no means be impossible to reach the Pole by Travelling across the ice from Spitzbergen
This project having been given at some length in the "Memoirs of the Wernerian Society Vol 2 page 328" it may be [[?]] here to repeat [[circle]] 54 [[/circle]]

Scoresby's views 
suggestions of a practical [[?native]] - [[?]] examination of the subject Voyage to [[strikethrough]] Spitz [[/strikethrough]] from Spitzbergen to the Pole
see (54) (55) &c [[?]] 

Transcription Notes:
*Hall possibly refers to the Wernerian Natural History Society