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Says Capt Cook [[strikethrough]] in Vol I page XXVii [[/strikethrough]]
Thus I flatter myself that the [[?]] of the voyage has, in every respect been fully answered; the southern hemisphere sufficiently explored; & a final end put to the searching after a Southern Continent wh has at times engrossed [[strikethrough]] at times [[/strikethrough]] the attention of some of the Maritime Powers for near two centuries past, & been a favorite theory amongst the geographers of all ages
[[Mechanics?]] [[?]] Lib
Cooks Vol II [[circled]] 239 [[/circled]]

River Zambesi 
[[strikethrough]] Dec 20/59 [[/strikethrough]]
East Africa May 27/59
Dr Livingston reports 
The discovery of a real highland lake region where the inhabitants cultivate cotton very extensively while he adds "Everyone spins & WEAVES IT"

[[end page]]

[[start page]]

N.W. Passage - By the act of Parliament, passed in 1745 ([[?]] the statuses at Large 18 Geogr II Chap 17) a reward of 20.000 pounds had been held out. But it had been held out only to the ship [[underlined]] belonging to any of his Majesty's subjects [[/underlined]], exclusive of his Majesty's own ships. The act had a still more [[?]] aspect. It held out this reward only to such ships as should discover a passage [[underlined]] through Hudson's Bay [[/underlined]]; - A new law was passed thus
And whereas many advantages, both to commerce & science, may be also expected from the discovery of any [[underlined]] Northern passage [[/underlined]] for vessels by sea, between the Atlantic & Pacific Oceans - be it enacted, That if any ship belonging