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[[page number in top left corner]] 6
a river falling into [[double underlined]] "Great [[strikethrough]] Salt [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Slave]] Lake" [[/double underlined]] on its eastern shore, nearly opposite to [[double underlined]] Fort Reliance. [[/double underlined]] By means of this river, some lakes, and ten portages, he intended to round the head of Great Slave Lake and fall eventually at the [[double underlined]] 'Beaver Lodge' [[/double underlined]] in [[double underlined]] "Artillery Lake" [[/double underlined]].
" [[underlined]] Hoar-frost River, [[/underlined]] which Sir George Back ascended with dificulty in a half-sized light canoe in the autumn, would have been at this season impracticable. To get through the ice to either of these rivers would have occupied a long time, and then [[underlined]] Artillery, Clinton Colden [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Aylmer [[/underlined]] 
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[[page number in top right corner]] 7
Lakes were still before us; it was clear that, if some other route were not adopted, the expedition would fail. 
Here was our only chance. One of the Indians had passed by this route as far as the river, falling into the upper end of Aylmer Lake; he gave a disheartening description of the dificulties, to be surmounted, and the high range of mountains before me was any thing but encouraging. I, however, determined to make the attempt, as the route was so much shorter, and we might also expect to have a long stretch of open water on Lake Aylmer at

Transcription Notes:
all of these areas mentioned are near Fort Resolution .. Fort Reliance is nearly 1000 miles west of this expedition so perhaps a mistake was made by the author..comix54 Clinton Colden is a single lake