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for which we got boots for most of the men. 
"The Upper Esquemaux were also seen and treated in a similar manner.
"The weather during the whole trip up was dreadful, blowing continually with rain, snow, and hail, and it froze sharply below and above [[underline]] Lake Beechy. [[/underline]] Our canoes also were very frail and leaky. There was still less water in the upper part of the river than in our way down. From the lake above Musk Ox Lake to Lake Aylmer was almost
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one continual portage. That lake was reached early on the 31st of August.
"Our progress through the lakes was much retarded by strong head winds and [[overwritten]] fogs [[/overwritten]] fog. Some time was also lost in finding the very narrow and hidden outlets of Lake Aylmer and Clinton Colden, at the latter I was disappointed in not finding Indians.
"Early on the 9th ^[[(Sept)]] we reached a bay at the end of Artillery Lake, on the east shore,