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While these negotiations for amicable settlement of Pacific problems were going on, the representatives of the Japanese Government in the United Sates talked and delayed, giving their compatriots in Japan time to plan the treacherous attack on the United States. Infringement upon the honor and territorial integrity of China is not merely a local Pacific question. China is a great world nation. China is not imperialistic; she has not the means of military defence necessary to defend her boarders, which have been accessible to an imperialistic aggressor like Japan. China has something to contribute to mankind. But she has been drenched in blood during the last ten years by Japanese invasion. Because she has been bled and dismembered by powerful imperial forces, China has had to rely on the moral conscience of liberty-loving peoples to aid her in her struggle for national freedom. America's intercession in behalf of China was fully justified. China is a great nation not merely because of her size, but because of her tremendous economic resources and centuries of social development. Japan, by its latest act of treachery has incurred the hatred of all peoples who respect accepted principles of international morality. This heedless adventure has aroused the American people to struggle for a just cause. Peoples of the Fast East, Filipinos, Hawaiians and others, are joined with the United States in this just cause. The peoples of Latin America are also joining with the American people in struggle for the maintenance of their national integrity and inviolability of their borders and security. III. America United The Japanese attack united the overwhelming masses of the American people. President Roosevelt declared to the Congress of the United States on December 8: "We will win through to absolute victory." The two national bodies of the trade union movement, the 6 [[end page]] [[start page]] C.I.O. and the A. F. of L., responded wholeheartedly to the nation's call. Regional bodies and local trade unions immediately pledged full support to the nation's war effort. Great mass meetings of labor went on record for support of the country's war. This is a momentous, historical occasion for labor. This is the third time in our country's history that the Star Spangled Banner has carried the destiny of progress, of right over might and brute force, of the cause of labor. Labor therefore realizes its future rests in vicious struggle over Nazi fascist reaction. The National Committee of the Communist Party, in plenary session on December 7, pledged its loyalty, the devoted labor and the last drop of blood of Communists in the greatest crisis that ever threatened the existence of this country. Negro Americans, true in their loyalty to America and their determination to defend freedom, as they have always done in all crises of this nation, have responded throughout the country to defend America. Successful struggle against Nazi enslavement is a defense of liberty and freedom of the Negro people. The sudden attack on the United States has exposed the isolationist leaders and spokesmen of the America First Committee. For the moment, they may pull in their claws. But America is at war. Every precaution must be taken against fifth columnists and traitors to assure the fullest national unity. The Communists will do their full share to bring about this victory. The Communists are Americans, steeped in the traditions of America's struggle for liberty, and fighters for the interests of the American people. Earl Browder, leader of the Communist Party, has contributed much to making America understand its problems and obligations. The nation needs Earl Browder now. American justice demands that Browder be released from the federal penitentiary at Atlanta, Georgia, at the moment of America's greatest hour of crisis. 7