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Negro leader to lay aside all differences and answer the call of the nation to win the war. 

V. The "Darker Race" Theory Exploded

The future of the Negro people, as of all mankind, lies in achieving a smashing military victory over the Berlin-Rome-Tokio Axis forces of murder, rapine and plunder. The Japanese fascists have for some time attempted to divide the unity of the American nation. They have insulted the Negro people by pretending to be the "champion of the darker races of the world." They claim to be fighting against Chinese "imperialists" for a "co-prosperity sphere" in China and Thailand. If that is so, then why did the Japanese militarists attack Guam, Hawaii and the Philippines?

This claim is a monstrous fraud. This deceitful claim is a part of the Berlin-Rome-Tokio powers' effort to dominate the world.
This hideous lie that Japan is the "champion of the darker races" comes from the lips of a gang of fascists who betrayed Ethiopia and took their places beside Mussolini and his wholesale murder of this peaceful Negro nation in Africa.

No section of the American people would be more brutally persecuted than Negro Americans should the Berlin-Rome-Tokio Axis be victorious. 

It would mean for the Negro population unbridled oppression and torture, such as Mussolini's armed hordes visited upon Ethiopia; such as has been heaped upon the Jewish people, upon Frenchmen, upon the heroic people of Central Europe who are fighting against the Nazi hangmen. 
It would mean setting back for centuries the whole struggle of the Negro people for their liberation from oppression and discrimination. 

The Japanese Government is the ally and collaborator of the worst enemy of colored and other peoples that the world has ever seen. Hitler has declared both in words and deeds that the Negro people are "latent brutes." 


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Japan's Real Aims in Asia

Japan's real objectives were set forth in the notorious Tanaka memorandum, a secret document presented to the Mikado in 1927 by the then Premier, Baron Tanaka: 

"... A more dangerous factor in the fact that the people of China might some day wake up. ... We must beware the day when China becomes unified and her industries become prosperous. 

"After studying the present conditions and possibilities of our country, our best policy lies in the direction of taking positive steps to secure rights and privileges in Manchuria and Mongolia. These will enable us to develop our trade. This will not only forestall China's own industrial development. 
... This is the best policy possible" (Italics ours-J.W.F.)*

Japan wants to be considered defender of the "darker races." Is this possible of invaders who are robbing all Asia? When they began to conquer and maraud Asia, they showed their real, imperialistic aims. 

The Japanese military began its campaign of "liberation of the darker races" in 1894, by an unprovoked attack on China: they grabbed large chunks of China, including Formosa. They imposed an indemnity of $150,000,000 upon the poverty-stricken Chinese people.
In 1910, Japan forcibly annexed Korea and set about wiping out every vestige of Korean culture, a culture which dated back to the twelfth century B.C. In the same year the Japanese levied 9,750,000 yen for a campaign of extermination of thousands of Formosans, who refused to submit to Japanese rule. 

In 1931, Japan seized Manchuria and established the puppet state of Manchukuo, and carried aggression into North China. The Manchurian peasants were forced to build roads and railways without pay; the land of the peasants was confiscated and heavy taxes were levied; universities were closed. 
*Japanese Imperialism Exposed, International Publishers, p. 11.