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[[underlined]] North Pole [[/underlined]]

Parry 2 Boats -- 80
constructed that they might [[strikethrough]] be [[/strikethrough]] either be used as sledges upon the ice or rowed in the open water
Beechey [[circled]] 191 [[/circled]]

Screw propeller opens a New field for hope 
[[circled]] 206 [[/circled]]

Measurement of the [[arc?]] at Spitzbergen 
[[circled]] 207 [[/circled]] [[do?]]

9° [[insertion]] of France [[/insertion]] [[squaled?]] [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] by 4 at Spitz 

A benefit - a position benefit to science [[circled]] 211 [[/circled]]

Hudson's attempt in 16 
10 men & a boy
a vessel of 80 tons