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   Thursday, Aug. 16, 1860

Large Island [[strikethrough]] N [[/strikethrough]] SE
[[encircled no 3.]]
3 small points Islands N [[From?]]

[[bracketed]]The Lowest land from N [[Wmbyrland?]] Inlet E from [[Suntrune?]] Harbor in South Point Boger's Island - a little North of East [[/bracketed]]
[[Suly?]] last - E by N & East ([[true?]] Lat 63[[degree symbol]].20[[degree symbol]] N

Transcription Notes:
Each of these overlying pieces of paper is turn back in turn, so I only transcribed the top one of each image; in this case the one marked (No. 3 August 16th Removed transcription of all but slip No. 3, as that material is transcribed in full over the next two images/pages. --kerendith I reviewed theis selection and added things--Janet Schoor