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Wednesday }
Aug. 22   }
Frobisher Strait. One piece wh. he had was a Ship's deck-plank, having belonged, probably, to an [[strikethrough]] small [[/strikethrough]] English Whaling vessel, "The Traveller" that ^[[Brown Ulster]] was wrecked in Bear Sound in the Spring of 1858.
This vessel was 500 tons measurement. She was lost by getting cast upon the rocks, the tide leaving her high and dry, her middle resting mainly upon [[strikethrough]] upon [[/strikethrough]] a [[strikethrough]] pinnacle [[/strikethrough]] "hog's back", thus breaking her in [[strikethrough]] into ^[[ [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] ]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[two reducing]] her to a complete wreck. Her anchors & 150 fathoms chain (2 in. diameter of links) are out there available to any one who will take the pains to cull there & pick them up.
All were now aboard- & we under way for Home, Nen-gum-mi-ooke, Capt B. having really given up all idea of extending the excursion.
Here were ^[[now]] over a score & a half of Esquimaux aboard the renowned "Grinnel's "Rescue", of all ages, ^[[& sizes &]] of both sexes - good natured - & agreeable! Capt. B. made trades with several natives for Ducks. These he gave into the hands of three mother Esq. to skin, proposing that [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] ^[[a]] duck supper should take the place of Scouce!
I get myself down beside said ladies(?) & watched eagerly their operations. They called to me [[strikethrough]] for[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[E-bien]] Shev-ing' - ^[[Your]] (My) knife! Forthcoming was my "Lupton", with which I have scaled mountains of ^[[here-to-before]] inaccessible heights [[strikethrough]] [[?]] with which I [[/strikethrough]] here in the North! On receiving this each were in admiration of [[strikethrough]] its [[/strikethrough]] it. Turning it over & over & crying ^[[again & again]] 'Piletay wong-a' Give it me. On my answering 'Ag-gi', they commenced their work. Drawing ^[[the knife]] once around the outer joint of each Duck's wing & head they seized the cut part with their teeth & stripped the fowl entire! The Duck's were very fat most of wh. adhered to the skin. How often did ^[[these]] daughters of the North stop in the midst of their work to congratulate each other on the fest of fat ^[[skin]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] that awaited them on the accomplishment of their work! After all the ducks had been skinned, they were delivered to my hands. The Capt receiving them from mine passed them to the Cook! It was understood that for Skinning, the Esquimaux should have the skins. This by them is understood as abundant pay. A short time after, I saw Mothers, fathers, sons & daughters ^[[abed]] with these duck skins in hand peeling off the luxurious(?) fat with their teeth, each now & then a giving a peculiar kind of grunt, as if saying: