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Saturday, September, 8th 1860
This morning, I went over to the Island close by to take a tramp & look out for Whales. Saw ^[[in the distance]] three boats that were out cruising for them. Spending about three hours. I concluded to return. With my little ^[[one-eyed]] companion I made my course for the Boat Landing. When we got there ^[[behold]] the [[underlined]] boat was without our reach! [[/underlined]] - The tide had risen so that approach to it was quite out of the question! Here was a dilemma! What could I do? The fastening of the boat was to a rock now far out - & [[underlined]] beneath the waters! [[/underlined]] The dashing waves threatened every moment to surge away the boat from the ^[[more]] insecure fastening. But "Necessity is the Mother of Invention"! The tide was ^[[still]] rising & there was no other way of our return but by the Boat. I thus thought [[underlined]] Action now, [[/underlined]] or not at all! I ^[[also]] thought, [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] "If I ^[[only]] had [[strikethrough]] ^[[ [[?]] [[?]] ]] a rope or string [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] attached to the Boat, I could ^[[then]] drag it to the point of a rock ^[[on]] wh I ^[[stood [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] a rock that]] projected out into the water. 
The questions then were What Shall I do for string? & If I had them here could I get them fast to the Boat.
My Telescope Case, containing my Spy, which I had [[?]] to my side, had a long leather strap - My Marine (opera) glass I had ^[[pendant]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] fastened [[/strikethrough]] from my neck by a piece of green Curtain Cord.
My native Boots [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] ((Kum - Mine)) which I had on were ^[[made]] fast [[strikethrough]] ened [[/strikethrough]] to my feet by ^[[long]] thongs of Seal Skin. [[strikethrough]] Fur [[/strikethrough]]  Quincher[[guess]] them there last 5 lines can be read, I had ^[[(all these - strings string)]] out of their places & ready to be made fast together. A few moments more found me supplied with a line, some twenty feet long! So one end of this I attached a stone [[strikethrough]] weight [[/strikethrough]] weighing probably ten lbs. I felt now ready for the Boat! Taking my [[?]] Marine (opera) glass [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] carefully in my left hand (for it was still fast to the cord by which I usually carry it) with strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] my dex[[?]], I gave the ten lb. strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] stone a throw into the Boat. It worked like a charm! I pulled on the line. Boat [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] answered to it as readily as a lamb! Of course we were on condition to join hands with the living world again! It is said our lives hang on a brittle thread! True indeed! In his care, is there any impropriety in saying that mine & that of ^[[the]] little Esquimaux boy depended upon  ^[[ [[underlined]] strong [[/underlined]] ]] shoe- strings"?
One whale seen to day & completed the work of boiling out the Blubber of the one captured to-night. Quantity of oil = 100 Barrells!