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Sunday, Sept. 9th 1860
Last night ice formed on shore, [[strikethrough]] among [[/strikethrough]] on the fresh water ponds. The sun shone brightly as it rose this morning, but before noon, was, as usual, obscured by clouds. I say "as usual" for it is a fact, but 3 only good opportunities for taking a Meridian observation has occured since arriving in this Harbor, over 3 weeks ago. I am now hoping soon to get several good observations so as to determine beyond all question the latitude & longitude of this place. I think the Admirality Chart relative to location of Frobishers Strait [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] the islands & lands on its North side quite [[strikethrough]] of th [[/strikethrough]] incorrect I doubt not I will soon be able to show that the latitude of some places represented on said Chart is [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] over one degree in error.
The "George Henry" now knows no Sunday - Whaling Season has now commenced & will continue [[strikethrough]] d [[/strikethrough]] until cold weather locks up the Bay with ice. Five Boats have been out to-day cruising for whales. One seen this AM - the same or another this P.M. Some of the Boats were within 3 ships' lengths of him. His course  was round & round - feeding -. On board, all hands ^[[remaining [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] have been]] busy stowing down the oil. 
I spent the AM - the early part of it- in taking a Bath in water we brought from the U.S! The remainder of the morning, spent in reading. After [[strikethrough]] dark [[/strikethrough]] dinner, I took the Dinkey, & accompanied by the Esq Boy, [[*strikethrough]] directed it to the foot of the mountains, North of our harbor. The mountains are God's temples - to them I like to bend my steps on Sunday. "God that made the world & all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of Heaven & Earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands" 
(Acts XVII 24.)
To What place shall I go where I can better worship my God than to the mountains? How can I so well [[strikethrough]] contemplate [[/strikethrough]] ^[[learn]] His power as looking upon & [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] contemplating his Almighty Works?