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After leaving the Boat in a safe little harbor, we began our upward tramp. Was much interested in a huge pile of Rocks which seemed nearly undermined by old Father Time! The remaining stone was feldspar - that which had been eaten out- [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]]extent ^[[sion]] of 5 feet thick- was composed of mica & small proportions of quartz. The distance [[strikethrough]] exca [[/strikethrough]] excavated in some places could not have been  [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[strikethrough]] by than a rod! At 1st it seemed decidedly venturesome to go under this Rock-shed, but on witnessing the firmness of the Feldspar - its immense height, length & breadth  it restored [[strikethrough]] full [[/strikethrough]] ^[[my]] confidence!
I will now speak of ^[[apparent]] snow-drifts - especially the ^[[one we visited of]] almost mountain size. Their [[strikethrough]] [[?]][ [/strikethrough]] age - The ice - The Channel full of Em[[?]]! Why on the South & SW side of mountains & more on the North? of Winters becoming longer & more severe! The fog bank hugging the tops of the mountains South of Knew-gum-mi-ouke harbor; why not blown across by a full N.W. wind?
The promising blow