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Small Sex  11-50-15  X1-56-30
[[circled]] 62-51-05 [[/circled]] h m 3 [[underline]]10[[/underline]] [[underline]]-10[[/underline]] [[56-40?]]
                                                    [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] x 38 33 XI-50 15 11-50-25 11-56-40
[[underline]]1 35[[/underline]] [[underline]]1 35[[/underline]]

[[circled]] 62-53 [[/circled]] 11-48-50  11-55-65
[[circled]] 2 [[/circled]]x 38 - 30  XI 56 - 30 [[underline]] 10-27 [[/underline]] [[underline]] 10-27 [[/underline]]
11-58-77 12-05-32
[[line from 30]] A or [[?]] [[line from 30]]

[[circled]] 62-53 [[/circled]] X11 02-30 12-02-30 
[[circled]] 3 [[/circled]] 38-25 XII 02-30 12-02-30 ^[[checkmark]]
[[underline]] 10 [[/underline]] [[underline]] 10 [[/underline]]

[[circled]] 62-53 [[/circled]] X11 11-60 12-02-40 X11-11-60
[[circled]] 4 [[/circled]] x 38 - 17 12-02-40  12-11-10
[[underline]] 1-35 [[/underline]] [[underline]] 01-35 [[/underline]]

[[circled]] 62-53 [[/circled]] = X11 22-15 12-01 05 
[[circled]] 5 [[/circled]] x 37 - 57(?) X11 22 - 15  12-01-05 12 09-35
[[underline]] 10 27 [[/underline]] [[underline]] 10-24 [[/underline]]

[[circled]] 62-52 [[/circled]] = X11-30-45 12-11-32
[[circled]] 6 [[/circled]] X37 40 [[underline]]10-24[[/underlined]]

[[circled]] 62-55 [[/circled]] X11-47-00 12-22-15 12-30-45
[[circled]] 7 [[/circled]] X36-57 [[underline]] 10 [[/underline]]
[[underline]] 10 [[/underline]]
12 22-25  12 30-55
[[underline]] 1 35 [[/underline]]
[[underline]] 1 35 [[/underline]]
12 20 50 12 29 20
[[underline]] 10 27 66 [[/underline]]
[[underline]] 10 27 66 [[/underline]]
X1-48-50 12-31-17 66 
on ground nem 10-2 [[underline]] 29 1/2 hour [[/underline]] [[underline]] 24 [[/underline]] 
Apparent time 11-59-17 12-31 18 12-39-48

36-32 X11 41-15
36-18 X11 54-45 * 12-47-20 4[[division sign]]584
[[underline]] 10 [[/underline]] 147
12-47-10 [[underline]] 3 [[/underline]]
[[underline]] 1-35 [[/underline]] 441

X1-50-15 one  12-45-35
[[underline]] 10 = [[/underline]] my watch [[strikeout]] [[?]] [[/strikeout]] too slow for [[?]] 10 27.66
[[underline]] 44 [[/underline]]
12-56 03
[[underline]] 1-35 [[/underline]]
[[boxed]] My watch slow 10 seconds [[/boxed]]
(Ship chrn too fast)
no [[?]]

[[boxed sideways]] [[Decln Oct 12/61
7 [[degree symbol]] - 39' -25"

Transcription Notes:
There are lines connecting calculations in one column to calculations in another column. Very difficult to transcribe these lines accurately, so did not attempt to do so. I would suggest that the editors put this whole page in as an image and call it [[image: rough mathematical calculations]]--thomasc