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Tuesday    }
Sept 18    }
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The distance from the G.H. to where the Georgiana was aground, was about 1/2 mile. In 10 minutes, to wit VII o'clock, she dropped anchor N.N. [[strikethrough]] W [[/strikethrough]] ^[[E]] of us, distance 1/4 mile.
I have no interest in this matter, save as one of the family of man! I know the precepts: "Love thy neighbor as thyself" - "Do unto others as you would that others should do unto thee". "Bless those that curse you". "Love your enemy" - & as well as I can may I live to practice these & all others of like import. xxx The unreserved ^[[& general]] expressions of hope in G.'s destruction etc. etc. in the hearing of numerous Esquimaux! Allowed!
[[underlined]] "Os homini sublime dedit coelumque[[guess]] tuenis": [[/underlined]] - To man He (God) gave an upright countenance [[strikethrough]] v [[/strikethrough]] to survey the Heavens.
Then should not [[underlined]] man, [[/underlined]] to prove true to his calling, glory, in [[double underlined]] Right [[/double underlined]] & [[double underlined]] Truth [[/double underlined]] - [[underlined]] in everything that is ennobling? [[/underlined]]
I am not bound to swear or speak according to the dictates of any master. This is well known ^[[at home]] by those who know me best. And yet I do profess to give ^[[& use]] my own, free, honest & independent opinions at all times. May it so can be!
If Capt. Tyson has done wrong in coming down here, according to any of the Laws, ^[[customs]] or practices of American Whalers, Let him ever be looked upon as in any thing else: "To err is human. To forgive divine". On no other linsis[[guess]] [[strikethrough]] should [[/strikethrough]] ^[[could]] the better judgement of men become satisfied in the determination of their difficulties. "Peace on Earth - Good Will to Man",: is God-like in sentiment & truth! Would to God that the day was now here when all men conformed their thoughts & acts to this doctrine.
[[image - hand with index finger pointing to right with vertical red line to left of hand extending for several additional lines of text]]
I have been teaching Tu-nuk-de-him & [[strikethrough]] Shand [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Kok-]] -en-zhung the American alphabet this P.M. They have [[strikethrough]] also [[/strikethrough]] been assisting me in pasting labels upon my zoological specimens brought from Frobisher Bay last Aug. These specimens I take out of the "Rescue" this P.M. where they have been ever since our return. Some of these specimens in fact I think then all rare & of course valuable. [[underlined]] They are for the Y.M.M.L. Assn. of Cincinnati. [[/underlined]] To this institution I intend to contribute all my acquisitions in the geological line.
The "Rescue" is now in order for her intended winter station. She was drifted back to her ^[[usual place of]] anchor about 5 o'clock this eve.