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In the States - To-morrow, Election - Presidential Election - May the Right Conquerer - God only knows whether that is in the contest or not - one thing is certain [[underlined]] "Spoils" [[/underlined]] are!
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Monday Nov 5th 1860
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Eve IX o'clk,
Ther. 29[[degree symbol]]
Bar. 29.212 
Calm & Snowing
fast -
Wind [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] from 
[[strikethrough]] N.W. [[/strikethrough]] N.W.
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Snow storm from the N.E. still continues. The little snow drops come diving into one's face with less coyness [[strikethrough]] then [[/strikethrough]] than girls at home into their lovers'. Fine snow driven by a strong ^[[winds]] will. [[strikethrough]] will [[/strikethrough]] ^[[penments[[guess]] ]] [[strikethrough]] penitrat[[guess]] through [[/strikethrough]] civilization dresses. This I surely had the satisfaction of witnessing this Morn when I took [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] my morning walk on deck. The snow as it falls upon the waters of the harbor remains snow! The Temperature of the Sea is now which makes it as thick as pudding. Tho' the wind blew quite gale-like, yet the ^[[waves]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] were [[strikethrough]] small [[/strikethrough]] ^[[small]] & sluggish. Stenny remained ashore among the Esquimaux while ^[[the]] rest of the hands returned last eve from the village. Up to this noon he had not returned. The truth is he prefers to live with the Esquimaux people to any others & for this reason & several others, [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[he]] will make a capital [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] fellow to accompany me on my voyage.
Noon. The indications are now rain - thermometer up to 30[[degree symbol]], the highest since last of Sept. In fact, "Mist" is now falling.
Capt B states Frank smith of New London saw a whale & watched him for 12 hours laying on the bottom! Large Sperm Whale ("Bull") generally in making passage is 1 hour down and 1 up but when mixed in with [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Cows any way & every way. The Nantucket Whale men know that the Sperm Whale's course (a single Bull's) is straight as a bee line & his motion uniform. They even time the re-appearance of the Whale, by the watch knowing that ^[[it will occur]] in just an hour or thereabouts as circumstances shall make their determination) without the variation or more than one or two minutes! Another deeply important fact - Capt. B. says: that [[underlined]] between [[/underlined]] Tristan d'Acunha Island & Gough's Island ^[[(South Atlantic)]] no whales ever seen. In passing the whales near one ^[[of the others]] of such islands, all at once they [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] are noticed to "turn-flukes" & no more seen of them till passage is made to the other island. Ships never see Whales [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] break water between said Islands. Many observations have been made by numerous whalers. It is well known among them that when the whales go down [[strikethrough]] from being passed [[/strikethrough]] they reappear at the opposite island & vice versa - distance about 9[[degree symbol]] in Lat. [[strikethrough]] Cook [[/strikethrough]] ^[[The]] Steward came [[strikethrough]] to me [[/strikethrough]] ^[[to my room this Morning]] & asked me to guess what - great day this was in England - My thinking cap on, I answered [[underlined]] Gunpowder plot anniversary! [[/underlined]] 
Toward evening the natives (one boat, crew) & Stenny came aboard.
The intelligent Esquimaux was with the party. All seem interested in him for he & his nuliana [[strikethrough]] ^[[for they]] [[/strikethrough]] can talk our language so fluently & furthermore are young & enterprising. Capt. B. introduced the subject to "Joe" (on my requesting it) relative to accompanying me. He is to bring Tou-li-tou to the vessel to-morrow when we are to have a talk on the subject. wishes a gun. I promise him one of my excellent double guns if he & his nuliana, Tou-li-tou, will be of the party to accompany me to King Williams land next year. He speaks favorable about going. Will decide in a day or two perhaps to-morrow. I promise if I am successful in accomplishing that journey, I will take them to America with me! This is a great incentive for they desire very much to visit there. Their services will be worth 40 Whites at