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Last night snow - This morn, nearly calm + snowing. 2 o'Clk, a sudden gale continuing the rest of the day.
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Tuesday, Nov. 6th 1860

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A.M.         |   M      |     P.M   | PM XI oClk
Ther. 28.00  |   30°    |      25°  |  21°
Bar  29.225  |  29.225  |    29.200 | 29.450
Wind  E.S.E. |[[strikethrough]] | S.|  W.
              E.S. [[/strikethrough]] 
Tempt of sea 28°
[[/right box]]

Well, this has been a day worth living for!  To some it might seem a small matter, while to [[underline]] me [[/underline]] & [[underline]] those directly interested in the Mission [[/underline]] on which I have come here, I consider it [[underline]] momentous [[/underline]], indeed!  A Council, if I may so term it, has this day been held in the little Cabin of the "Georgy Henry", consisting of Capt. Budington, myself & some of the most intelligent & valuable Esquimaux of the whole North.  The object of the consultation was [[strikethrough]] nae [[/strikethrough]] relative to preparations for the voyage to King Williams Land - more directly, to the engagement of certain Esquimaux present at said consultation, to accompany me in said Voyage.  As the matter now stands, [[^[[strikethrough]] the redisposition of [[/strikethrough]] ]] my fondest anticipations could not ^[[have [[strikethrough]] indedir [[/strikethrough]] ]] [[strikethrough]] been [[/strikethrough]] made [[strikethrough]] the matter [[/strikethrough]] a more favorable inception than that of to-day.  Captain Budington has provided [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] most invaluable service [[/underline]] in bringing matters to so satisfactory a point.  Before this day's record [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] ^[[is]] concluded I shall freely state how indebted I & every man  -I may say, [[underline]] the civilized world [[/underline]] will be for the signal interest he has taken in this matter & for the helping hand he has ever extended in my behalf.  I now will briefly give insight to what [[strikethrough]] he has [[/strikethrough]] ^[[was]] done to-day ^[[ [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] ]] which gives me so thankful a heart.
At XI O'Clk AM, Ku-jes-se. Ee-bour-bing [[strikethrough]] ,it [[/strikethrough]] ^[[&]] "the lady" Tou-lee tou, & Mgan, with Captain Budington & myself were assembled [[strikethrough]] around [[/strikethrough]] around the ^[[G.H.'s]] little cabin table discussing the proposed route of my Expedition next year to Igloolik & King Williams Land.  In parenthesis I may here say that "Joe" (Ee-boun-bing) & Hannah (Tou-lee-tou) had been spoken to (relative to accompanying me next season) some days ago, & that ^[[by the kindness]] [[strikethrough]] an invitation [[/strikethrough]]] of Capt. B both these parties had been invited to come aboard to-day to confer upon the subject & if possible determine whether or no they would agree to go.  Now I proceede:
Tou-lee-tou hesitated about deciding--at least, she was anxious, ^[[first]] to Know the route ^[[then]]-to discuss its merits & practicability.  I admired her care, [[underline]] her Wisdom![[/underline]] She had brought with her an excellent chart of her own draughting, which I now have.  This chart contains all the coast from Frobisher Bay to the most northerly extent of Cumberland Inlet (Northumberland Inlet) thence down on the East side of Said Inlet to Cape Mercy.  It gives an approximation of all Inlets, Bays, Capes, Islands, Peninsulas, [[strikethrough]] Lakes, chan rivers [[/strikethrough]] & Channels [[strikethrough]] into the in teh [[/strikethrough]] as well as showing the location of various fresh water lakes ^[[with]] [[strikethrough]] & [[/strikethrough]] rivers running  therefrom.  It especially shows a deep Western Inlet ^[[commencing near the northern extremity of Cumberland Inlet &.]] extending toward Fox Channel.  This inlet is terminated by low land which divides it from a fresh water lake the out-let of which is a river running Westward & discharging ^[[itself]] into Fox Channel.  This course is the one she (Tou-lee-ton) thought the best in going to Ig-loo-lik.  It is the route her sister "Kun-King" & the native party she accompanied took in going to Igloolik.  It is the route her sister's Son ^[[from Igloolik]] followed when he visited Cumberland Inlet ^[[to see her & his other relatives]] a female) years ago.  After arriving to the head of Said Western Inlet,-Tore-lee-ton says: Boats, tents &c have to be carried one day's journey over land ^[[there]] taking water [[strikethrough thab [[/strikethrough]] in said fresh water lake!