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Wednesday Nov. 7th 1860
"Smith" of the "Sex Skilling" event, returned this morning with his crew, boat, & with water-cash well filled. from the village alluded to in yesterday's record.
Smith was hospitably entertained ^[[through the stormy night]] as I anticipated he would be, by the good - [[strikethrough]]nstural [[/strikethrough]] natured Esquimaux. Good, clean, new tuk-too skins [[underlined]] (of course hair on) [[/underlined]] were supplied him in abundance to sleep between. "Mine host" generously (French like (?) offered Smith to take his choice of ^[[his]] two nulianas to use as a "Comforter" through the terrible storm night! Smith says one was really young & pretty - but Smith, to his honor & good name be it said, stood upon principle, Joseph like, he declin^[[ed]] [[strikethrough]] g [[/strikethrough]] the invitation - [[underlined]] a temptation! [[/underlined]] After all, he slept toasty-hot [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] between the gentlemen Esquimaux & his son who were both naked, the uniform custom of this people. Smith, however, kept on his drawers & shirt using his ^[[other]] clothes for a pillow. Smith is a going to put his clothes through the [[underlined]] "scalding [[/underlined]] ^[[& [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] pat[[?]] ]] process", as he says, that he may be sure that no - [[underlined]] 'parasites' [[/underlined]] let us call them - shall settle down making him ^[[the place for]]^ their [[strikethrough]] future [[/strikethrough]] habitations. As yet has [[underlined]] felt [[/underlined]] no "h'animals" as he terms [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] the little creatures, with which really the natives have an abundant supply. He ^[[bandaged]]^ [[strikethrough]] bandagged [[/strikethrough]] his head tightly with a handkerchief! for what purpose he thought I could guess! Esquimaux lamps kept burning all night. The voraceous dog making his way into Smith's tent & stealing a huge piece of meat (Krazy)! The ingenuity of the proprietor of the tupik to catch dog at his game if he ventured again - one lamp extinguished & the other shushed - two [[underlined]] "boulders" - [[/underlined]] - one for "Smith" - in readiness! - All asleep & snoring, but eyes wide open, watching for dog! Dog sticks in ^[[his]]^ nose thru the tent-folds - finds his way all clear - & walks with tiptoe - came to the meat pile! Smith in red flannel & "Mine host" [[underlined]] Sans Cullottes - [[/underlined]] ^[[ [[underlined]] Sans [[/underlined]] every thing,]] simultaneously give one spring & "Let drive"! - dog leaves with a "yelp" signifing that an event had struck his dog-ship somewhere, which Smith declares was in ^[[his]]^ [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] head!
2 boats out to island - "Look-out Island" - this AM to watch for Whales. None seen.
X o'clock night. The wind ^[[strong]] S.W. Bar 30.370 Ther. 26[[degree symbol]] The Heavens in Black. Yet the aurora so bright beyond, that it enlightened [[strikethrough]] that part [[/strikethrough]] as the ^[[ten]] thousand Venuses were there!
From the appearance the A. extends from N.W. to S. to-night. XI o'clk A^[[urora]] faintly ^[[ [shining behind the clouds.]] Weather decidedly bad, day after day. Exceptions rare. Capt. B. says that he [[strikethrough]] has [[/strikethrough]] never found so continually bad weather as he has experienced this season.