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Thursday Nov 8th. 1860.
[[boxed]] X o'Clock, night, Th sky is covered as with a gauze with Aurora. The stars look as tho
reflected by a moist looking-glass! [[/boxed]]
Capt. Budington & myself this Noon compared rates of the 2 Chronometers - the one of the G.H. &
the one from the wrecked "Rescue".
Rescues Chro. 28 May 1860 Fast = m3 - sec40
Gain 3/10 sec. per day in 160 days = 3.33
7 - 13 Gain m3 7 - 13
           h3 - m56 - sec [[strikethrough]] [[??]] [[/strikethrough]]
Sub. Gain   7 - 13
Rescue    3 - 48 - 47
G. Henry  3 - 48 - 11
- 36 secs Dif. 
[[boxed]] These Chronometers were compared at Holstemborg, Greenland
July last when their rates differed 11 seconds - They were again 
compared on arrival at this harbor and found to differ the same,
to wit 11 seconds  [[/boxed]]
The George Henry's Chro has undoubtedly remained at an uniform rate
while the dif. has arisen from the R's. Capt. B. thinks the G.H's to 
be the best Chro. sent out of New London. It has the Compensated Balance
spring which the R's has not. 
If we ever get another [[underlined]] fair [[/underlined]] opportunity, 
I intend to take advantage of it in getting some good Luna observations. 
By Spring, I hope to have the ability of [[underlined]] regulating [[/underlined]]
the Chronometers an of determining their actual rate by the stars the only
[[underlined]] true [[/underlined]] Chronometers. I am making good progress
in my Astronomical Studies. Have none acquired more knowledge than I expected,
in the time, since leaving the States & yet I have but just passed the door 
to the Great Temple itself!
This Morn at breakfast, had some [[underlined]] large [[/underlined]] "flippers".
The top one very dry & cold - clammy! Capt. B. taking it up between his knife &
fork & holding it as you would a snake with a pair of tongs, called out: 'Steward!
Steward!! Take this away - When I have a notion of making a Wheel-barrow, I should
like to charter this. Save it by all means!' The circumstances - the [[underlined]]
rush [[/underlined]] of the Steward as if something [[underlined]] terrible [[/underlined]]
had taken place - all combined to make capital sport for the Company. This was the 
incident of [[underlined]] this [[/underlined]] Morn - Yesterday's was the Saltness
of the "scones" so that of the abundance prepared for breakfast no one could eat it! 
This day is another one of Wind, Squalls, etc. The men were sent off to the island
to breakfast away on the "Rescue". She is now being torn - plank by plank - into 
fire wood. The "Advance" the quandary. Consorst[[??]] a portion of her contributed to make colonic for Dr. Kam & his company. Night 5h-30m star light, Aurora N. shooting wh in bright beams 10° past Zenith. 6h-45m Aurora from Pleiades in the E. to S. & W. 8h-45m In beautiful beams! 9h-20m 2 Rivers of a Aurora come serpentine across the Heavens W. to E IXh - 30m Bar 30.000 - Ther 22° Wind strong from W.N.W.  Western[[??]] Sn & En Sky light Aurora with A magnificent stream 5° wide from N.N.W. mounting up to Zenith & then making a sudden flexure like a shepherds [[underlined]] crook [[/underlined]].  My eye upon [[underlined]] this [[/underlined]] - & a little further westward - upon the [[underlined]] Cross [[/underlined]] borne upward & along though the Heavens on the Silver Wings of [[underlined]] that type [[/underlined]] of grace, beauty & majesty, the Swan! My soul was ravished, & I exclaimed [[written vertically up right edge of page]] The Heavens declare the Glory of God!
[[/written vertically]]