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1860 Saturday Nov 24 

A line of sufficient length for an entire company, was already upon the ground.  Our 1st checks done [[underlined]] some [[/underlined]] good - if they didn't kill the bear, - they satisfied those aboard that the Bear had been killed & therefore a squad of men with the aforesaid line started out & were on the ground in season to see the last mortal (or [[underline]] immortal [[/underline]]?) shot!

It was at 1st proposed to drag the game by the neck over the ice!  The rope was adjusted!  The plan was finally abandoned as his weight (near that of an [[strikethrough]] small [[/strikethrough]] ox) would break through the treacherous ice around the island where we were.  It was decided that the Esquimaux skin the Bear upon the spot -  quarter it & thus drag it piece-meal over the ice.

Our Company of the G.H. left for whence we came, knowing that the White Bear would be [[underlined]] well cared for [[/underlined]] by our Esquimaux friends.  We had not long been to [[underline]] our quarters [[/underline]] before [[underline]] the [[/underline]] quarters - "fore & aft-" of the "defunct" were along side, still smoking hot.  The skin is already hanging on frozen stiff.
[Continued 2d column of this page; after explanation]

[[boxed]] [[strikethrough]] X  o'clk m45 P.M.  The prospect is anything but encouraging.  Nearer & nearer comes the fearful crisis.  The waters are fast tearing away [the westward & N Westward margin of our ice-field of protection.  How soon [[underlined]] this [[/underlined], that [[underlined]] now is our protection [[/underlined]], may become our destruction, God only knows!  Although the heavens are thickly clouded, yet the unseen Moon (wanting but little over 3 days of being full) is a great [[underlined]] blessing [[/underlined]] to us to-night giving us sufficient light by which to watch the terrific workings of the Elements about us!
(Vide explanation, next column)[[/strikethrough]] 
Vide first column Second page succeeding this.  Second page preceeding this under Sunday hX-m45 Night. [[/boxed]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[strikethrough]] 1860 Saturday Nov 24 [[/strikethrough]]

Explanation = written Monday Morning  The remainder of Saturday's original record was written upon my slate, intending to transcribe it to the blank left where now is the "Expunged" at the bottom of the preceeding [[strikethrough]] page [[/strikethrough]] Column.  I also left this column blank for the inception of Sunday's record.  Last night, finding a gale upon us, I commenced making my notes [[underlined]] direct [[/underlined]] in this journal ([[underlined]] Vide [[/underlined]] succeeding Column) under hVII-m45 night) & so continued hourly.  At hX-m45, Sunday night having turned over a retrograde leaf, without observing my error, I proceeded rapidly with my pen, as seen below (Column to the left)  On the instant of detecting [[underlined]] the place [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] where [[/strikethrough]] I was penning passing events, I transcribed the same to column 1st of 2d page from this where now they read in their regular order.  This certainly is an abundant apology for my oversight.  I now proceede to transcribe Saturday's Notes.

[[line across page]]

1860 Nov 24th Saturday

Soon as the bear was discovered Ebirbing hastened to it with his dogs which have been finely trained to keep Bears in Check until those having Rifles & spears, should arrive.  The dogs which I brought from Greenland never had been "educated" for Bear fight, therefore they seemed to act upon the principle: "Distance lendeth enchantment to the view" by getting upon the most distant & highest points of view of the island in the vicinity of the one on which the bear "Kicked his last kick".  Ebirbing killed (shot) a seal to-day upon the ice - but it fell through [[strikethrough]] the ice [[/strikethrough]] & that's the last of it save its becoming a feast for something else below.  Kujesse, Tunukderlien & others from the upper village came down over the ice to-day.  Angeko & one of his nulianas with them.  A capital dinner we had to-day of a portion of the Bear - I liked it better than the best of Beef steaks. 

X o'clock night.  A gale blowing from N.E. the has been rising till now, just beginning to fall.  Bar 30.000 Ther 18° Air charged with fog - freezing as it is swept along - icing over the vessel & rigging.  Ebirbing & "Charley" start for their tupiks - cannot get ashore.  Return - Tide up they try again & succeede.  Capt. B. & I have decided that [[underlined]] this [[/underlined]] should be called: [[underlined]] the first day of our final freezing in. [[/underlined]]  Last night's freezing put the matter beyond all doubt that we are surrounded by ice that will stick to us through the Winter - say till next July!

Sunday, Nov. 25th 1860

This Morn Mgan, the double thrible [[underlined]] wifed [[/underlined]] Esquimaux calling down Kunnia wife (No 2) giving her the [[underlined]] "leavings" [[/underlined]] of his coffee & Sea biscuit. 

Ebierbing & [[space]] Hannah came aboard at IX AM & left at 3 PM.  Hannah's progress in reading & spelling rapid.  I look to the time when she will be the instrument of doing much good to her people! 

Hannah's fore calculation for the anticipated dog sledge journey up the Inlet this Winter by myself Sterry, [[strikethrough]] Kujesse [[/strikethrough]] Ebierbing & his nuliana.  Her looking out for 'tucktoo' dresses for me - She says I will freeze unless I have them.  At 4 commenced blowing a gale from the E. The warm air it brings.  Whence?  We fear the ice may break up if the gale continues.  If the ice in this harbor should go adrift we would have to share its fate.  Anchors chains would be of no avail!

Transcription Notes: