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1860 Wednes Nov 28

Ebierbing informs me that his nuliana, Tuk-o-li-too, is very sick this morning & signifies his wish that I would go with him to North Star Village & see her.  Of course I shall do so, cheerfully.  He tells me that Esquimaux never take any medicine - they have none to take.  While in England, however, some 5 years ago, he & his wife, whenever sick, did take medicine which he thinks done them much good.

Three P.M.  I have just returned from a tramp through the mountains & a visit to Ebierbing's.  From the vessel to North Star Village, I was accompanied by Ebierbing.  He took me direct to his Tupik.  After passing on all fours through the low snow passage - leading into said tupik, I was ushered into the presence of Tuk-oo-li-too, who was seated at the [[underlined]] usual place [[/underlined]] of the lady of these Northern houses.  Sick - taken sick in the night after the return to the vessel - Enrobed in tuk-too skins only a small civilization lamp of one wick burning - the usual Esquimaux lamp (which when burning makes all cheerful) looking [[underlined]] despair- [[/underlined]] like!  Not in use for want of Seal & Whale blubber.  Mittens, Boots, Stockings & articles of clothing all in a wet state on the Dry-net which always hangs over the lamp but alas the wherewith to dry them, not there.  Notwithstanding the apparent state of things - especially the sick Tuk-oo-li-to, [[?]]ed cheerful & contented.  "The Primer" Book handed 

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1860 Wednes. Nov. 28th

by Tuk-oo-li-to desirous of further instruction.  Ebierbing repeats correctly what he learned yesterday.  do of his nuliana.  Both very anxious to learn.

The "Camphor spirits of her recollection of it in England - snuffs it & feels better!
No means of getting drink water!

As in my record of yesterday, without the Esq lamp could not live!  My plan to assist them in obtaining oil of Capt. B. so that they may live till ice firmly makes, when Ebierbing can Seal thus supplying themselves with oil.  Near the entrance The quarter of the Polar Bear whose [[underlined]] '7th life' [[/underlined]] I ended with my faithful rifle the other day! I ts truly fresh-beef-look!

Spending 1/2 hours there, departed on the tramp.  

(Charley & Miner) making an Igloo!  Their use of common carpenter's hand-saw of civilization in sawing snow blocks.  Entrance to Chimerarchu's (Johnny Bell's) Igloo - My supprise at the severe sickness of Nuk-er-ton the kind hearted Esquimaux woman.  And yet at work laying down with her head raised & she resting on her elbows & with her hands sewing!  Her expressions of her sickness - solicitous that I should do something.  Her pulse beat at high from heat.  By the by, putting my hand to her wrist & not exactly at right place, Nuk-er-ton instantly took hold of my finger & placed it as suddenly on the exact point for for feeling the strongest pulsations.

I gave her a mild pill sugar coated which she took at once.  I cannot easily forget the gratitude she felt & expressed at the act. 

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