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1860 Dec Wedns 19th 

not only by my own conscience, but by all my countrymen who may become acquainted with the circumstances. 
I will embrace an early opportunity of calling my assistance that of Capt. B. 

I understand it the main reason for the departure of the parties before named from [[?Knew-gumi uke]], is that it is a poor place for Sealing & game.  Such is the fact - the region is almost gameless.  As for sealing, the backwardness of the freezing in - ice making - deprived them of their usual opportunities for food.  Even now, the Sealing [[strikethrough]] ground [[/strikethrough]] ice breaks up every now & then in the midst of the Bay, causing them often to retreat for their lives.  Had it not been for the Natives securing providently the black-skin & some of the blubber of the 2 Whales captured by the "George Henry"'s company this last season, they could not have existed in Knew-gum-mi-uke.  At least, it so seems to me.  Even now, on visiting the Igloos, not only of the "North Star", but the [[underlined]] upper [[/underlined]] village, I see Krang & Black Skin of said Whales in constant requisition.  On this matter, the Esquimaux are more provident then I had anticipated on leaving the States. 

As I now write 3 o'clock P.M. Captain B. sitting in the Aft Cabin at the opposite end of the table on which I am penning this overlooking the company of Esquimaux drinking their ration of coffee & eating hard bread
is asking if in their sealing Excursion they have been successful to-day?  The reply I regret to record is: Ag-ai!

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1860 Wednes Dec 19th 

Me-thinks I can see one way in which these valuable aids to my Expedition can be secured - not only for future but [[underlined]] present [[/underlined]] usefulness.  As it is important that all pertaining to the advancement of the purpose I have in view should be in my journal I must give full place for the following after stating that on penning it I shall pass it to the consideration of my dear friend & Co-worker, Capt. Budington, awaiting his endorsement or timely suggestions.  I now proceede: 

My immediate course of action is to secure beyond all doubt, Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too to accompany me to King William's Land starting near the 1st of July.  Kujesse & Tunukdelien (winga & nuliana) are engaged, & in all probability will accompany me without any unusual anxiety.  According to present appearances there will be no trouble in getting as many natives of the right sort from here to complete my company - if Ebierbing, Tuk-oo-li-too, Kujesse & Tunukdelien are of the number.

The question arises 1st.  Why is it that Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too think of departing hence?  [[underlined]] What is the real reason? [[/underlined]]  I can see none so probable as to get to better Sealing Waters & being among their more immediate friends - especially near To-to the brother of Tuk-oo-li-to.  It is true they propose to visit North & return in season to go with me.  But though their intention may be pure & reasonable, yet it is evident to Capt. B. & myself, if they do go, circumstances will be brought to beare upon them so that they will be prevented from returning.  Shall I risk it?  The importance of the matter makes me [[?]] 

Transcription Notes:
Bottom of 2nd page torn off. @kdownunder