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Dec 20
for my voyage to King William's Land. May it indeed be so. The wind has changed from N.W. [[strikethrough]] this [[/strikethrough]] (as it was early this Morn) to N.E then to N. which has been the prevailing wind of to day. On returning aboard at IX the thermometer was 8 above Zero - In 1 hour 14 above. The Barometer ^[[at IX]] was 30.050 - In one hour 30.000 Wind at IX N.W. At X N.E. & blowing a gale!)
The swell of last night not [[strikethrough]] why [[/strikethrough]] only broke up the ice of Rescue Bay but actually considerable [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] in our harbor.
A crack runs along past the G. Henry caused by said swell - Its heavings this Morn was like breathings of some huge monster.
Kujesee has been down to-day. He was obliged to pass much of the way by [[underlined]] Rock [[/underlined]] ^[[no [[underlined]] land [[/underlined]] ]] route ^ as the ice is disrupted between here & Upper Village.
Instead of the old man An-na-[[?]] who lives [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] on Frobisher Bay bring the party who came over as day or too ago [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] it was his two sons. Their bu[[?]], Ku-jes-see says, was to get a supply of Tobacco!
The distance can be travelled in one day starting very early & continuing late at night - I shall endeavor to make a journey there with some natives soon as my Tuk-too dresses are completed. Native dress for this country especially in cold weather on exposure & suffering will be the sq[[?]]s.
XII Midnight Thermometer +18[[degree symbol]]
Bar. 30.000 (Snowing)
[[underlined]] Gale from N.E. [[/underlined]]
This Morn Ther minus 8[[degree symbol]] }
Midnight plus 18[[degree symbol]]  }
[[right margin written vertically]]
Deer seen & fired at by Any[[?]] yesterday - The present of Keg of Powder to Upper Village ^
[[/right margin written vertically]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
1860 } Friday { Dec. 21st
The gale of last night continued only for two hours - till about 2.
Bar. this Morn 30.012; Ther. 21[[degree symbol]] above Zero.
Wind Light from East. Aurora playing in long Arch beams, Easterly & Northerly.
The Sun to-day ^[[Noon]] reached its lowest So. Declination ^[[' 23[[degree symbol]] - 27[[feet symbol]] - 29[[inch symbol]] ]] - to-morrow it will have returned 12[[inch symbol]].10 & thence up, up, day by day, till 21st June, 1861, when its most [[strikethrough]] will [[/strikethrough]] Northerly 
Declination will be 23[[degree symbol]] - 27[[feet symbol]] - 28[[inch symbol]].6
The ^[[True]] Altitude of the Suns at their latitude this day (Noon) was 3[[degree symbol]] - 41[[feet symbol]] - 28[[inch symbol]]
This I make out thus, not from ^[[to-day's]] observation, but calculation.
latitude North            62 - 51 - 05
[[symbol]] Delineation S. 23 - 27 - 27
                          86 - 78 - 32
                          90 - 00 - 00
True Alt. -                3 - 41 - 28
Refraction                     12 46
                           3 - 54 - 14
[[symbol]] Semi-diam & Par.    16 - 27
With Sextant observed Alt. 3 - 37 - 47
should be [[arrow pointing to last numbers]]
[[left margin vertical]]
Nothing allowed for dip[[guess]] in this case
[[solid line]]
[[/left margin vertical]]
Sun's [[underlined]] true [[/underlined]] Altitude ^[[ [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] here]] at Merician 3[[degree symbol]] - 41[[feet symbol]] - 28[[inch symbol]]
Sun's visible this Morn (upper high) h9 - m35 - s27
[[?]] setting " [[ditto for: this]] Eve (upper " [[ditto for: high]]) 2 - 24 - 33
Length of day 4 - 49 - 06
" " [[dittos for: Length of night]] 19 - 1- 54
Amplitude of [[symbol]] at [[?]] E - 60[[degree symbol]] - 46[[feet symbol]] S
" " [[dittos for: Amplitude of]] [[symbol]] " [[ditto for: At]] Setting W 60[[degree symbol]] - 46[[feet symbol]] S.