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1860 Mon. Dec 31

eaten it - No better use could have been made of it.  Innuit men & women before Greenland Dogs!

The Innuit from upper village down for balance of his pay for the 2 tuk-too fur skins - Hand him 2 boxes Percussion Caps making in all: = A capital snow kife & said caps for the 2 skins which were of small size.  The extraordinary exertions to trade for one more skin of Nu-ar-chu one of the occupants of the Igloo I visited the other day.

Get Capt. B. - Rodgers - Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too to interceede.  The latter's success in getting his consent to sell me a 1st rate skin for a good price.  A grand point gained.  The White man whose eyes flashed fire shaking his fist in the face of the lusty Nu-ar-che & threatening to whip him.

My determination that Esquimaux should not be whipped. I take his part - Peace triumphantly established.

Some time after dinner, decide it best to hasten [[strikethrough]] up [[/strikethrough]] to the upper village to secure my promised tuk-too fur.  My call to Que-jes-se to accompany me - his ready acquiescence - He & his brother in law become my companions - Que-jes-se the leader & guide - Start at 1/2 past 3 P.M.  Cloudy & near dark.  Not gone 100 rods before, [[underlined]] down I went, [[/underlined]] through slush into the element that gave me a wet foot.

The 200 lbs of "Monya" (Self) carried by Que-jes-se across the slush.  Though small [[strikethrough]] yet we [[/strikethrough]] Que-jesse, may we not believe, [[strikethrough]] have be [[/strikethrough]] sustained (?) honors well?

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1860 Mon. Dec 31st

I do not think we were more than 35 minutes going up.  The walk of an Esquimaux quick & uniform - pendulum like - one leg moving 3 times in 2 seconds - distance feet.  The wet foot warm - the other ik-ke (cold)
Went directly to Sampson's Igloo, found the 2 families in readiness for a Seal supper.
The immediate withdrawal of my wet shoe & stocking - my usual place of honor assigned me with fur covering for feet - Sampson's wife sees a break in my civilization shoe (the elastic part) & repairs it with seal skin & rein-deer sinnew.

Twists herself into such position as to use her bare right foot for last.  The excellence of her work
The supper - the large party - my participation. Capital eating & S - S - S - O - O - O - P!

The purchase of good will of [[space]] wife of [[space]] by cotton handkerchief which I slipped into her hand secretly as I did also 2 plugs "Cavendish".  This prepared the way for obtaining a capital Tuk-too skin (Winter fur).  The position of parties
[[image - drawing showing position of people in Igloo, numbers encircled corresponding to listing below. Beginning with 1, 2, 3, 8 over 5, 5, 6 & 7. At far left and far right 'Lamp' written]]
[bracket between encircled numbers and name]]
Nos..  [[encircled]] 6 [[/encircled]] Sampson (Koo-Koo-as-chu)
[[encircled]] 7 [[/encircled]] his Nuliana Nu-e-le-ony
[[encircled]] 5 [[/encircled]] Son Kut-che-on
[[encircled]] 4 [[/encircled]] [[underlined]] Puk-e-ne-[[/underlined]] jen (daughter)
[[encircled]] 3 [[/encircled]] daughter. Any-u-lik-jee-tuk
[[encircled]] 2 [[/encircled]] Winga Nu-an-che
[[encircled]] 1 [[/encircled]] Nuliana An Chung-ne-yen
[[/bracket between encircled number and name]]
[[encircled]] 8 [[/encircled]] Myself seated behind -

The purchase of excellent skin - the invitation to come down - Artark-pa-ru & family.  The return Que-jesse - wife & 2 brothers in law - Tu-nuk-de-lien with puppy in hood & hold of my unmittened hand having handed her my hand coverings - The swift walk in the dark.  On Que-jesse's back again to crop the slush.  Arrival 7 o'clk.  Much pleasure in short time.  The Peacemaker - my bringing in the esteemed friends.  Put a large family to-bed - Que-jesse & Tunukdelien in my birth & [[strikethrough]] she [[/strikethrough]] them sleeping Innuit style!  I guardian of the night.  Old year now going Out!  Gone!

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